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"Then came, Oscar, the time of the guns.
And there was no land for a man, no land for a country,
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- 1675, Act I.26 - "Hee that sells, pawnes or imbezells his armes, or any ammunition whatsoever, or any axes, spades, shovells, &c. or other necessary instruments, shall for the first and second fault runne the gantlett att the discretion of the commander, and for the third be punished as for theft."(Vol.2, 336)
- 1675, Act IV - This act provided for the naturalization of citizen Christian Peterson. It made a broad declaration that he shall be afforded all the privileges of a natural born Englishman, and interestingly, the only other specific provision made was for the expedient provision of his arms: "that the late act for provideing armes and ammunition be putt into strict and effectuall execution." [Vol.2 339]
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- 1676, Bacon's Laws, Act IV - Rebellion to be suppressed by military force. [Vol.2, 352-353*]
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- 1684, Act IV - "For the encouragement of the inhabitants of this his majesties collony and dominion of Virginia, to provide themselves with armes and ammunition, for the defence of this his majesties country, and that they may appear well and compleately furnished when commanded to masters and other the king's service, which many persons have hitherto delayed to do, for that their arms have been imprest and taken from them. Be it enacted . . .that all such swords, musketts, pistolls, carbines, guns, and other armes and furniture, as the inhabitants of this country are already provided, or shall provide and furnish themselves with, for their necessary use and service, shall from henceforth be free and exempted from being imprest or taken from him or them, that already are provided or shall so provide or furnish himselfe, neither shall the same be lyable to be taken by any distresse, seizure, attachment or execution, Any law, usage or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding." [Vol.3, 13]
- 1746, Chap.2-III - The treasurer is empowered to provide funds "for and towards the buying and providing arms for the poorer sort of inhabitants of this colony, in such proportions, and in such manner, as the general assembly of this dominion shall hereafter direct and appoint. And to the end, the persons enlisted, or to be enlisted, as aforesaid, may be deterred from desertion." [Vol 5, 93]
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- 1756 Chap. IV - "An Act for disarming Papists, and reputed Papists, refusing to take the oaths to the government." [Vol 7, 35-38]
- III. No Papist or reputed Papist so refusing [to take an oath denying] "shall, or may have, or keep in his house or elsewhere, or in the possession of any other person to his use, or at his disposition, any arms, weapons, gunpowder or ammunition, (other than such necessary weapons as shall be allowed to him, by order of the justices of the peace at their court, for the defence of his house or person) and that any two or more justices of the peace, from time to time, by warrant under their hands and seals, may authorise and impower any person or persons in the day-time, with the assistance of the constables where the search shall be (who is hereby required to be aiding and assisting herein) to search for all arms, weapons, gunpowder or ammunition, which shall be in the house, custody, or possession of any such Papist, or reputed Papist, and seize the same for the use of his majesty and his successors; which said justices of the peace shall from time to time, at the next court to be held for the county, where such seizure shall be made, deliver the said arms, weapons, gunpowder and ammunition, in open court, for the use aforesaid." (36-37) Penalty for violation was three months in jail and forfeiture of arms. (37) Anyone discovering and turning in such a Papist is awarded the value of the arms discovered. (37)
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- 1775, Chap III - A committe of safety shall be created, among its powers: "to collect together all the arms lately taken away from the publick magazine, and all other arms purchased at the publick expense, at some place most convenient for that purpose, and that they repay the expense incurred by repairing the same; and also all such ammunition and warlike stores as are now the publick property in this colony, or may hereafter be purchased on the publick account; and dispose of such arms, ammunition, and store, as they shall judge most conducive to the safety of this colony, until the farther order of this or some other convention." [Vol 9, 53] The committee shall also have to power to purchase any number of stands of arms, not exceeding three thousand, which they mau judge necessary for the use of the troops to be embodied for the defence of this colony. (72) * 1775, Chap VI - "Whereas, in this time of imminent danger, it is found expedient, for the better defence of this colony, to provide an ample supply of arms and ammunition, by encouraging the manufacturing the same within this colony: Be it therefore ordained . . . That a manufactory of [for] arms be erected at or near Fredericksburg." [Chap 9, 71-71]
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- 1705, Chapter LII. - Provides for free trade with Indians but section IX. notes "That the said Indians shall not bring with them any guns, ammunition, or offensive weapons, but tools only for their use; that they shall not presume to oister, fish and gather tuckahoe, or other things, as aforesaid, without a licence first had from a justice of the peace, as aforesaid; that the justice, in his licence, shall limit the time of the Indians stay; and that it shall not be lawful for the Indians to tarry beyond the time limited."
- 1748, Chap. XV-XVII - XX - (See "Slaves" Section below)
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> > | * 1756 Chap. IV - "An Act for disarming Papists, and reputed Papists, refusing to take the oaths to the government." [Vol 7, 35-38]
- III. No Papist or reputed Papist so refusing [to take an oath denying] "shall, or may have, or keep in his house or elsewhere, or in the possession of any other person to his use, or at his disposition, any arms, weapons, gunpowder or ammunition, (other than such necessary weapons as shall be allowed to him, by order of the justices of the peace at their court, for the defence of his house or person) and that any two or more justices of the peace, from time to time, by warrant under their hands and seals, may authorise and impower any person or persons in the day-time, with the assistance of the constables where the search shall be (who is hereby required to be aiding and assisting herein) to search for all arms, weapons, gunpowder or ammunition, which shall be in the house, custody, or possession of any such Papist, or reputed Papist, and seize the same for the use of his majesty and his successors; which said justices of the peace shall from time to time, at the next court to be held for the county, where such seizure shall be made, deliver the said arms, weapons, gunpowder and ammunition, in open court, for the use aforesaid." (36-37) Penalty for violation was three months in jail and forfeiture of arms. (37) Anyone discovering and turning in such a Papist is awarded the value of the arms discovered. (37)
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