Law in Contemporary Society

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AmandaHungerford-FirstPaper 11 - 18 Feb 2008 - Main.EbenMoglen
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 While some law students do enter CLS planning to work for a big firm and never look back, many more come in with vague plans about “doing good” while “supporting themselves.” By the end of law school, however, the vast majority of people will have agreed to work for a firm. Many will likely find they have ended up in Big Law not because of some purposeful path they set out on, but rather because they got swept along in the tide of CLS. It was easy; moreover, it was what their law school experience was designed to have them do.
  • The prevailing impression one gets from the last sections is how low the fences are that seem to you to comprise the prison house. If only people would find some better balance between work and life, and would refrain from cocktail parties, things would be so much better. And whatever one may say about the badness of law school--and I yield to no one in finding fault with it--it doesn't make you go to cocktail parties.
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  • The prevailing impression one gets from the last sections is how low the fences are that seem to you to comprise the prison house. If only people would find some better balance between work and life, and would refrain from cocktail parties, things would be so much better. And whatever one may say about the badness of law school--and I yield to no one in finding fault with it--it doesn't make you go to cocktail parties.

  • So where does that leave us overall? Your goal is to show that the structure of experience in law school is designed to normalize the structure of experience in law firm employment. Sometimes your arguments in support seem to me to conflict with reality: you don't prove your facts, you simply assert them, and it occasionally seems to me you have not yet enough experience to know that you are asserting non-facts. Even so, your arguments have validity to the extent that the beliefs represented are widely-enough shared to constitute an alternate reality that affects social behavior. You don't follow that approach, but it seems to me that you might redraft to make use of the voting plugin of this wiki to assemble a questionnaire for your colleagues in order to gather some public opinion data if you can't find any already available.
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Revision 11r11 - 18 Feb 2008 - 16:24:58 - EbenMoglen
Revision 10r10 - 18 Feb 2008 - 04:10:04 - EbenMoglen
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