Law in Contemporary Society

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DeathofGiantFirms 6 - 20 Jan 2008 - Main.EbenMoglen
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META TOPICPARENT name="ClassNotes16Jan08"
the death of the giant firm? (Work in progress) Started this on the plane to Chicago.
Since our grade is partly based on whether we’re ethical, I must credit Sandor for arguing that the legal product includes trust, and Justin Colannino for predicting that Wexis will be assimilated into Googles and Wikipedias.
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 Back to the original question Andrew posed: I'm not entirely sure why we should expect the death of the law firm anytime soon, either. Anyone have ideas about why Eben said this? Or your own thoughts on the matter?

-- KateVershov - 19 Jan 2008


I'll explain in more detail what I actually meant, which isn't what Andrew assumed, next Wednesday. For the moment, let me just restate it, which may help: Your generation, unlike all previous generations of lawyers in New York City, will be competing for daily bread against well-trained lawyers in New Delhi and Bombay. The savagery of leverage will soon make corporate finance practice and large litigation support--in general, in fact, the back office practice on which large firms currently thrive--a practice you can't afford to be in. The legal industry is going to look in future more like the garment industry, and more so at its top than it will at its bottom. The jobs that have been considered elite for two generations, and for which your institution is best equipped to train you, are about to globalize elsewhere, leaving a steeper pyramid with much less room at the top for people like you.

-- EbenMoglen - 19 Jan 2008


Revision 6r6 - 20 Jan 2008 - 01:26:42 - EbenMoglen
Revision 5r5 - 20 Jan 2008 - 00:21:44 - AndrewGradman
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