Law in Contemporary Society

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EarlyInterviewProgram 14 - 23 Apr 2010 - Main.RorySkaggs
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I did not expect for Eben to be so blatantly vindicated. -- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010
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 sorry...make their mark and/or get a job.

-- KrystalCommons - 23 Apr 2010


I think Krystal's comment is telling: "I understand that OCS is under pressure, but...I just think that the legal field is changing and CLS needs to be able to keep up with that change." That I completely agree with-- CLS needs to do something, my point is that we should not be expecting that to come from OCS. They have a specific role within a bigger picture, and are really just low-hanging fruit for our understandable frustration. The problem is with the people giving the orders ignoring the problems, not the people taking them who are forced to engage in futile acts. OCS is just trying to get us jobs which most of us came here for but which are dwindling, and as I detailed above there are various reasons outside their control for doing so. Maybe they crossed the line with the BS, maybe they didn't, but does it really make that much a difference?

-- RorySkaggs - 23 Apr 2010

And I also agree with Krystal that we will all be fine- I've met plenty of smart people here who I think can do great things, and I think the sooner we stop worrying about whatever anyone is selling and focus on ourselves and the work we can do to get where we want to go, the better.

-- RorySkaggs - 23 Apr 2010


Revision 14r14 - 23 Apr 2010 - 19:05:29 - RorySkaggs
Revision 13r13 - 23 Apr 2010 - 17:14:20 - KrystalCommons
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