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EarlyInterviewProgram 15 - 24 Apr 2010 - Main.DanKarmel
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I did not expect for Eben to be so blatantly vindicated. -- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010
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 And I also agree with Krystal that we will all be fine- I've met plenty of smart people here who I think can do great things, and I think the sooner we stop worrying about whatever anyone is selling and focus on ourselves and the work we can do to get where we want to go, the better.

-- RorySkaggs - 23 Apr 2010

There was a palpable buzz in that room yesterday. Can't find the exact word for it; indignation...distrust? A lot of it was definitely anxiety.

There is no reason Career Services can't keep track of rescinded offers and furloughs. They force us to give 1L summer job reports before we do EIP, they could force students to give 3L job status reports if that information were important to them. And I agree that the school should provide information regarding GPAs. They obviously already calculate them, why not make that information available? To give no more guidance than scholar or non-scholar leaves over 2/3 of the class with very little frame of reference.

A student I was walking home with was annoyed that the issue of rescinded offers and furloughs was brought up. Talk about protecting the integrity of the role.

-- DanKarmel - 24 Apr 2010


Revision 15r15 - 24 Apr 2010 - 05:17:37 - DanKarmel
Revision 14r14 - 23 Apr 2010 - 19:05:29 - RorySkaggs
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