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EarlyInterviewProgram 9 - 23 Apr 2010 - Main.NonaFarahnik
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I did not expect for Eben to be so blatantly vindicated. -- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010
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 Yea, I agree with Ashley and think that firm relationships are a valid concern.
Kal- I think I was referring to absurdity of the whole thing, especially when I stuck around for a while afterwards. They all got really antsy around me at the end and I was shocked at how defensive they were. They also knew that I am drunk on the Eben kool aid because his name came up pretty quick. Funny how they know Eben's arguments but don't think about how to actually incorporate them into their own approach. Though my question was maybe a slight shot across the bow, it wasn't so strange to ask if they had the numbers about who had been furloughed...
Kal- I think I was referring to absurdity of the whole thing, especially when I stuck around for a while afterwards. They all got really antsy around me at the end and I was shocked at how defensive they were. They also knew that I am drunk on the Eben kool aid because his name came up pretty quick. Though my question was maybe a slight shot across the bow, it wasn't so strange to ask if they had the numbers about who had been furloughed...
WHY IS IT CALLED THE OFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES????????? If it was the office of CAREER services, then Ilene and Ellen should be part of it too. The Meeting was crazy because they are soooooooo tone deaf. I think 1Ls deserve a little affirmation and some big-picture thinking too. BLAH.
WHY IS IT CALLED THE OFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES????????? If it was the office of CAREER services, then Ilene and Ellen should be part of it too. The Meeting was tone deaf. I think 1Ls deserve a little affirmation and some big-picture thinking too. BLAH.

-- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010

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 (And I like the textualist/formalist analysis of the office of CAREER services, but we all know their job is to place students in private law jobs. Maybe the name isn't great, but it's just a name)

-- RorySkaggs - 23 Apr 2010


@ Rory. Top 5 is important to me and I understand why they feel pressure to keep our rankings up. If the way to do that is making sure all students are employed, I don't think yesterday's meeting was successful. I am all for people getting the firm jobs that they want.

As for my "formalist" analysis, I did not realize that CAREER services was only for private law jobs until yesterday.

Anyway, it is over and I am not trying to get into an anti-EIP battle, just wanted to share my anti-EIP meeting sentiments. Finally, you misread my sentiment because I don't feel afraid.

-- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010

\ No newline at end of file

Revision 9r9 - 23 Apr 2010 - 15:38:11 - NonaFarahnik
Revision 8r8 - 23 Apr 2010 - 14:42:29 - RorySkaggs
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