Law in Contemporary Society

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ElieShnersonFirstEssay 3 - 26 Feb 2023 - Main.EbenMoglen
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"
A Pew Research study found that the public is likelier to see facial recognition used by police as a positive rather than a negative for society. This essay seeks to appeal to commercial incentives as a valuable aim for achieving greater security regarding the growing risks of facial recognition.
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 However, it could kill creativity, ideas, and the economy. As more and more people lose privacy, even outside their computer devices, they will become increasingly wary of trying new things and generating ideas. Humans tend to conform, yet everyone does private things that they fear might lead to them being ostracized. As privacy disappears from increased surveillance, people will tend to act and think the same (unless the divisive social media feedback loop pits them against each other.)

Citizens should know where the tape of them walking into a coffee shop is stored and be able to have it deleted or opt out of any subsequent advertising. Mass conformity and surveillance will hurt the economy, and appealing to the legislature regarding potential commercial losses could strengthen an attack on these violations. While facial recognition technology has often been in the news because of government and law enforcement intrusions, cloud storage pricing, advertisement aggregators, and the long-term psychological effects of mass surveillance and social conformity also need to be addressed in the conversation.

Outlining was necessary to make a diffuse draft into a tighter presentation that would pull the reader along. Some links would make the piece informative for readers who want to follow up on your statements and are now left without guidance. Though this is ultimately a draft about citizens and their rights you do not mention any of the legal and regulatory responses, in the United States or anywhere else in the world, to the issues you are discussing. Focus, information and clarity seem to me the three primary routes to improvement.

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Revision 3r3 - 26 Feb 2023 - 20:49:23 - EbenMoglen
Revision 2r2 - 19 Feb 2023 - 01:14:23 - ElieShnerson
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