Law in Contemporary Society

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IWonTFeelHelpless 4 - 21 Jan 2008 - Main.AdamCarlis
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Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’ll feel helpless when it’s all over anyways. Three years and 130K. I’d pay more if they charged it.
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-- BarbPitman - 21 Jan 2008


I have always worried about these "pro bono" hours and really how much "help" they actually provide. If you spend 3,000 hours during year 1 defending GE in toxic tort suits and then donate 50 hours to a non-profit doing breast cancer awareness, I imagine your efforts would have caused more cancer than they prevented. I know this is a pretty crude calculation, but if you have, say 3,000 hours in a given year to work, I just can't see how 50 (or even 150) of them dedicated to "helping people" could counteract the thousands spent defending the status quo.

They may "help" you, but making you feel good/human/etc., but I am just not sure they actually "help others" when all is said and done.

-- AdamCarlis - 21 Jan 2008


Revision 4r4 - 21 Jan 2008 - 19:42:28 - AdamCarlis
Revision 3r3 - 21 Jan 2008 - 15:22:56 - BarbPitman
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