Law in Contemporary Society

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IWonTFeelHelpless 6 - 21 Jan 2008 - Main.EbenMoglen
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I Won't Feel Helpless

 Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’ll feel helpless when it’s all over anyways. Three years and 130K. I’d pay more if they charged it.

Law school is my alternative to feeling helpless. I came to law school hoping to find power, to morph words and logic into positive social change, to protect liberties and human rights with discourse instead of death. How many lives can I impact as a lawyer? It could be thousands, hundreds, or just one person. Maybe I won’t help anyone at all. Maybe I’m just buying an overpriced opportunity to fail. My willingness to pay still stands.

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 -- ChristopherBuerger - 18 Jan 2008

 I think you hit the nail on the head, Chris. I feel exactly the same way.
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-- BarbPitman - 21 Jan 2008


Adam, wouldn't it make sense to ask why someone who considers it socially harmful to defend toxic torts actions on behalf of GE--as you and I both happen to do--would be caught doing it for even one hour? Why should any lawyer, under all but the most exigent possible circumstances (the "last lawyer in town" situations), ever be doing work she thinks is unethical or socially harmful? No matter what anyone else thinks, if you have a license to practice you are permitted to take clients according to your own view of what constitutes justice. There isn't the slightest reason why--no matter your inclination to pawn--any of you should anticipate a future in which in order to secure your livelihood you will be required to do work you believe is harmful. That should be a predicate of your existence, a definition of integrity: not one of you has so few resources of intellect or character as to be required to sell out what you believe to be right in order to make a living. Instead, our question should be how to ensure that our practices have positive social meaning from our point of view, and are not merely a matter of pawning the instrument for what the market will give.

-- EbenMoglen - 21 Jan 2008


Revision 6r6 - 21 Jan 2008 - 22:12:30 - EbenMoglen
Revision 5r5 - 21 Jan 2008 - 21:49:41 - BarbPitman
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