Law in Contemporary Society

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IjahalaPottingerFirstEssay 4 - 20 May 2024 - Main.EbenMoglen
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“Law School for One, Please”: Designing a Purpose-Driven Legal Education

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 This will be easier said than done, as I often worry about what I “should” do rather than what I want to do. Nevertheless, I must ignore the status quo that tells me to apply to Law Review because it will help land a judicial clerkship or to take Corporations because it’s great for Big Law. I am the only one who will tell me to take Law, Power, and Social Change to explore my interests in the intersection of law, policy, and systemic inequity. It is up to me to sharpen my wits in what collaboration, empathy, and integrity look like in legal practice in Lawyer Leadership and the Mediation Clinic. I have the power to choose Planning Your Practice to continue critically reflecting on what my purpose-driven legal practice looks like. While traditional law school pedagogy may not suit me, I must empower myself to define the content of my license alongside people who will help me uncover exactly what I want my future law practice to be about.
A definite improvement. The question, "What?" is prefaced rather than answered, but that's fine. This is an acutely-reasoned summation about where you are (or were, before the university self-exploded). Law school, the one you alone are in, continues.

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Revision 4r4 - 20 May 2024 - 13:43:52 - EbenMoglen
Revision 3r3 - 15 Apr 2024 - 17:26:01 - IjahalaPottinger
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