Law in Contemporary Society

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InjusticeUSMilitaryVsJohnBrown 8 - 13 Mar 2012 - Main.KippMueller
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 Due to the lack of understanding regarding John Brown's actions, I ask the question:

If the government sanctioned it, would that make it right?

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 It's important that you see this too. Deep down although I am proud to be in law school, I realize that so many people never get this opportunity, and many people that do get this opportunity don't really use their law degree for social justice. I feel connected to all those who struggled before me and refuse to let them down. I came to law school to change unjust laws and to advocate for those that the law has turned its back on, not to perpetuate the injustice that the law has sanctioned.
-- WilliamDavidWilliams - 13 Mar 2012
This is a nice thread right here. I was just going to add that I think a lot of the "psychological slavery" in our society is perpetuated by class and not only race. I have the same thing on my dad's side of the family. He's a retired house painter, and none of the people on that side of my family ever attended college, dad included. Many of them still don't really get why I'm in law school or went to undergraduate college. To them, it's just "not something we do in this family". Most of that side of my family is pretty damn destitute and simply don't see education as something important to them.

I think that this psychological oppression you speak of influences people based both on race and class.

As far as the blue pill, I'm not sure that we haven't already taken quite a few. I look at my clothes and most are made in sweat shops. I type on a computer that is built with titanium purchased from mining companies in Africa that maim children on a daily basis. I print pages in the computer room that come from paper that comes from trees in the Amazon forest that were cut down, wiping out thousands of never-to-be-discovered species and driving people off of land they've lived off of for thousands of years. My coffee is made with beans that are picked by people who work terrible hours at egregiously low wages, forced essentially into a life of servitude.

What blue pills am I really missing?

-- KippMueller - 13 Mar 2012

Revision 8r8 - 13 Mar 2012 - 22:46:44 - KippMueller
Revision 7r7 - 13 Mar 2012 - 17:06:28 - WilliamDavidWilliams
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