Law in Contemporary Society

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JuliaS-SecondPaper 6 - 31 Mar 2008 - Main.JuliaS
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 As our technological capabilities expanded, enabling us record and transmit our activities with ease, the classical model of production and wealth-generation gives way to a new model - a model of nearly limitless consumption, where all things have economic value. Suddenly, the mundane activities of daily life become a value-generating, consumable product, by virtue of the simple fact that they are watchable; reality itself becomes an economic good.

Division Between Labor and Leisure

On MTV's My Super Sweet 16 viewers are invited to watch wealthy teen girls as they plan extravagant parties. The girls don't hesitant to admit that they need to out-do their friends and impress their guest, the more ostentatious the better. It is tempting deem this behavior as conspicuous and unproductive consumption - and generally it would be - but in the new, post-industrial media economy, it becomes something different. These young girls aren't simply buying expensive goods, they are being filmed buying expensive goods, and by doing so, they are actually, in a way, producing. Activity that was once purely consumptive is here transformed into a product, to be sold to advertisers and consumed by the MTV audience.
On MTV's My Super Sweet 16 viewers are invited to watch wealthy teen girls as they plan extravagant parties. The girls don't hesitate to admit that they need to out-do their friends and impress their guests, the more ostentatious the better. It is tempting deem this behavior as conspicuous and unproductive consumption - and generally it would be - but in the new, post-industrial media economy, it becomes something different. These young girls aren't simply buying expensive goods, they are being filmed buying expensive goods, and by doing so, they are actually, in a way, producing. Activity that was once purely consumptive is here transformed into a product, to be sold to advertisers and consumed by the MTV audience.

Revision 6r6 - 31 Mar 2008 - 23:32:06 - JuliaS
Revision 5r5 - 31 Mar 2008 - 01:30:27 - JuliaS
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