Law in Contemporary Society

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KamelBekkaliIntro 1 - 15 Jan 2009 - Main.KamelB
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I came to the U.S to grow up. I came to law school to be challenged. I came to Columbia Law for my mother. All my utopical wishes to make this world a better place, fighting for freedom and justice as well as human rights have hit the wall of reality a few months ago, and no one has yet dared disturbing them in their coma . I am not animated by a sincere and strong enough raison d'etre to expect from practice a personally rewarding and interesting outcome. Maybe not yet. I am however still there, lured by these advantages a law school education provide, and guided by the deep conviction that I made, in the long-run, a very good choice for my own personal development and future career prospects.

-- KamelB - 15 Jan 2009


Revision 1r1 - 15 Jan 2009 - 02:31:00 - KamelB
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