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KippMuellerSecondPaper 7 - 13 Jun 2012 - Main.KippMueller
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Worker Bees

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 She can't see her own oppression. She lives a life of servitude, a slave to nectar. She is given enough to remain tranquil and willfully sell her life to a system that calls a select few queens and the rest servants.
She accepts goals indoctrinated as noble and true. But those mean nothing outside of her system. We as humans see no reason to celebrate a worker bee who gathered lots of nectar. Likewise, what creature outside of our socialized system and its seemingly irrefutable assumptions would celebrate the person who had lots of money? There is nothing inherently praiseworthy about seeking money. In fact, the goal on its face is exceptionally laden with greed and shallowness.
She accepts goals indoctrinated as noble and true. But those mean nothing outside of her system. We as humans see no reason to celebrate a worker bee who gathered lots of nectar. Likewise, what creature outside of our socialized system and its seemingly irrefutable assumptions would celebrate the person with lots of money? There is nothing inherently praiseworthy about seeking money. In fact, the goal on its face is exceptionally laden with greed and shallowness.
 And yet it is what we constantly strive for throughout our lives. Ambitions change, but the pursuit of money never wavers.

Revision 7r7 - 13 Jun 2012 - 04:06:00 - KippMueller
Revision 6r6 - 17 May 2012 - 19:48:08 - KippMueller
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