Law in Contemporary Society

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LivingInPovertyAtTheHandsOfTheIvyLeague 4 - 12 May 2016 - Main.BenjaminSanchez
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For anyone interested, there's been a growing push for a unionization of graduate student employees. Even NYU has done more than Columbia.
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 Malcolm, I also had no idea until this past week, but apparently this has been an issue for a long time, and little has been done. I'm asking around to see if there's a petition, or some other ways of getting involved. I'll update this page when I hear back.

-- MitchellSchwartz - 11 May 2016


Wow. Interesting

-- BenjaminSanchez - 12 May 2016


Revision 4r4 - 12 May 2016 - 21:34:24 - BenjaminSanchez
Revision 3r3 - 11 May 2016 - 15:35:42 - MitchellSchwartz
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