Law in Contemporary Society

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MikeAbendSecondPaper 3 - 17 Apr 2010 - Main.MikeAbend
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META TOPICPARENT name="SecondPaper"
"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."- Samuel Johnson
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 1) Make millions of dollars, with the result of one unknown foreign person killed 2) Not making any money at all
Why should I choose the option that is obviously worse for me? What is the innate or social influence that compels me to act "good"; instead of in my own best interest?
Why should I choose the option that is obviously worse for me? What is the innate or social influence that compels me to act "good", instead of in my own best interest?
 This paper is an attempt to justify altruism, acting for the benefit of others without an immediate reward; to separate pure evolutionary selfishness from the morality that often defines human behavior.

Revision 3r3 - 17 Apr 2010 - 19:58:34 - MikeAbend
Revision 2r2 - 17 Apr 2010 - 15:59:43 - MikeAbend
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