Law in Contemporary Society

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MohitGourisariaFirstPaper 3 - 22 Feb 2010 - Main.MohitGourisaria
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Do not be lost in the “true” meaning of the lines above, for my words are empty. The law too, with its legalese and complex taxonomy, is similarly empty. Its worthiness lies in the effect it has upon our conscience and our actions. Where that effect is an amplification of the ego and the enlargement of our suffering, a path of freedom must be found. There is no universal path and thus we must understand all that we know (from Shakespeare and Coke to Holmes and Orwell) in a manner such that is a mere means to our freedom, and the knowledge of which is not, in itself, the purpose and the hope of our present, fortunate existence.
Do not be lost in trying to grasp the “true” meaning of the lines above, for my words are empty. The law too, with its legalese and complex taxonomy, is similarly empty. Its worthiness lies in the effect it has upon our conscience and our actions. Where that effect is an amplification of the ego and the enlargement of our suffering, a path of freedom must be found. There is no universal path and thus we must understand all that we know (from Shakespeare and Coke to Holmes and Orwell) in a manner such that is a mere means to our freedom, and the knowledge of which is not, in itself, the purpose and the hope of our present, fortunate existence.

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– Dhammapada (Verse 62)
Dhammapada (Verse 62)

Revision 3r3 - 22 Feb 2010 - 01:37:21 - MohitGourisaria
Revision 2r2 - 21 Feb 2010 - 23:30:05 - MohitGourisaria
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