Law in Contemporary Society

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MohitGourisariaFirstPaper 4 - 22 Feb 2010 - Main.NonaFarahnik
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Nona's comments after an initial read through: 1. I was unable to really understand what you meant by "empty." The way I understood it, you are trying to say that it isn't the actual words or texts or decisions that matter, and that adherence to doctrine keeps us in shackles (and that this is the opposite of what Buddhism purports?). Freedom comes from when we can separate ourselves from doctrine and not get too bogged down in the can we apply this to a practical legal end? How do you envision that this would work in the real world?

2. I saw that the shackle/freedom discussion took you in two directions: legal practice v. legal education. Maybe you could focus on one or the other because as I was reading, it was hard for me to know if I should be applying your Dharma metaphor to a SCOTUS decision, or to the problem of grades/curves you speak to or to both and how since they seem slightly different in the long run.

3. I don't know much about Buddhism, so maybe from the outset you could be more clear about the connection you are making. Are you saying legal education and/or legal practice needs to borrow more from the Buddhist notion of letting teachings "fade away?"

4. You say that your own words are just as empty as the Constitution's, but that "Its worthiness lies in the effect it has upon our conscience and our actions." The words have to have some meaning if they are going to operate on our behavior, thoughts, and actions. Maybe you can flesh out what you mean by empty words that still have an operational effect. I think I am probably misunderstanding your version of empty and how it relates to Buddhism which takes me back to #3.

5. I hope this was helpful in some way as you continue to write.


Revision 4r4 - 22 Feb 2010 - 03:27:50 - NonaFarahnik
Revision 3r3 - 22 Feb 2010 - 01:37:21 - MohitGourisaria
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