Law in Contemporary Society

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PhaseIIQandAToHelpMakeAnActionPlan 5 - 12 Apr 2008 - Main.AdamCarlis
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To post questions and build out the discussion started in the Wednesday, April 9th class regarding where to go from here and how to build an action plan for shaping our career without hocking the license.
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 -- MakalikaNaholowaa - 10 Apr 2008 / -- AndrewGradman - 10 Apr 2008
A few years ago I was given an assignment that I didn't have the experience to handle successfully. After watching me fumble for a bit, my mentor at the time called me into his office and said: "A good leader knows three things. He knows what he knows. He knows what he doesn't know. And he knows where to go to find out the stuff he needs to learn."
This was particularly important advice for me to receive because I am someone who compensates for insecurity by puffing up my chest and pushing forward, pretending to know what I don't know.
One way to maximize the power of this post, it seems, would be to put each other in touch with people in the legal community who have a particular insight about an issue. These people might be our classmates, professors, practitioners, or anyone else who might have a thing or two to say about this issue. -- AdamCarlis - 12 April 2008



Revision 5r5 - 12 Apr 2008 - 13:32:17 - AdamCarlis
Revision 4r4 - 10 Apr 2008 - 16:30:12 - MiaWhite
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