Law in Contemporary Society

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PhaseIIQandAToHelpMakeAnActionPlan 6 - 14 Apr 2008 - Main.JulianBaez
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To post questions and build out the discussion started in the Wednesday, April 9th class regarding where to go from here and how to build an action plan for shaping our career without hocking the license.
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 -- MiaWhite - 10 Apr 2008

As to the value of journals, it seems some journal is a prerequisite to a clerkship. According to CLS's clerkship manual either 95% or 99%(I can't remember) of students receiving clerkships had a journal on their resume. I also remember hearing a judge speaking about the clerkship application process saying she removes all the applications that don't have journals first. The value of a clerkship is subjective. Eben mentioned in class his District clerkship allowed him to see the law at work. I also know firms offer a bonus in pay and seniority to many who join with clerkships completed. The journal clerkship correlation seems to be the most important thing I've learned about journals so far.

A question of my own: Who knows how easy or hard it is to fulfill your major or minor writing requirements outside of a journal note? Is the journal note the best way to fulfill these requirements or just a common method?

-- JulianBaez - 14 Apr 2008



Revision 6r6 - 14 Apr 2008 - 00:06:13 - JulianBaez
Revision 5r5 - 12 Apr 2008 - 13:32:17 - AdamCarlis
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