Law in Contemporary Society

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PhaseIIQandAToHelpMakeAnActionPlan 7 - 14 Apr 2008 - Main.MichaelBerkovits
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To post questions and build out the discussion started in the Wednesday, April 9th class regarding where to go from here and how to build an action plan for shaping our career without hocking the license.
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 A question of my own: Who knows how easy or hard it is to fulfill your major or minor writing requirements outside of a journal note? Is the journal note the best way to fulfill these requirements or just a common method?

-- JulianBaez - 14 Apr 2008


Just a note on causation vs. correlation: If everyone who wants a clerkship thinks that you have to do a journal to get a clerkship, then everyone who gets a clerkship will have done a journal (or at least 95-99% of them will). What the judge in your anecdote said is another story, but I wonder how many judges have that policy. Maybe there's a few judges who do that, and cause a panic among risk-averse law students (including myself in that) who don't want to do anything that hurts their chances?

It may be that not doing a journal knocks you off the list of possibilities for a few judges. But if doing a journal really seems so onerous, is it worth doing just to increase your clerkship chances marginally by not getting eliminated at the first step by those judges? I think there might be some room for "If you don't like me the way I am, then I don't want to work for you anyway."

I definitely share your questions about the major and minor writing requirements, though. I think journal work might be good for that.

-- MichaelBerkovits - 14 Apr 2008



Revision 7r7 - 14 Apr 2008 - 01:13:21 - MichaelBerkovits
Revision 6r6 - 14 Apr 2008 - 00:06:13 - JulianBaez
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