Law in Contemporary Society

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PracticePickets 4 - 21 Apr 2010 - Main.JoshuaHochman
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META TOPICPARENT name="AmandaBellSecondPaper"
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 * blush * Thank you! And I appreciate your intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness. I'm looking forward to taking Employment Law too. Most of it will be new to me. I know a lot of labor law, but little employment law.

well that's nice because I don't even know the difference between the two

@Amanda, It was pretty interesting (and definitely a first, at least for me) to hear someone argue that a career in labor law litigation would seem more fulfilling than a career litigating FLSA or Title VII claims--if only for the fact that the NLRA is such a toothless, wrist-slapping regulation... Also, I can't believe its April 2010 and still no EFCA...

-- JoshuaHochman - 21 Apr 2010

Revision 4r4 - 21 Apr 2010 - 04:25:46 - JoshuaHochman
Revision 3r3 - 20 Apr 2010 - 05:31:14 - NonaFarahnik
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