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< < | Social reality of crime: Too much discretion
-- By RasheedAhmed - 06 Mar 2015
Over the past year, the criminal justice system has seen heavy blows. But what’s changed? There is no denying that technology has revealed an issue that has been present for much too long. Crime exists because some segments of a society are continuously at conflict with others. This paper examines what a crime is, how this conflict of interest arises and how the conflict of interest is perpetuated.
That phrase usually has a different meaning than the one you are relying on here, in which "conflict of interest" denotes all class conflict.
The blurred line: Does committing a crime create the criminal; or is being a criminal a crime? |
< < | Crime is a definition. To murder is a crime. However, when one commits murder in one jurisdiction, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they have committed murder in another. This of course depends on how a particular state defines murder. Lets take the example of a man who is convicted of armed robbery and sent to jail. He is now labeled: a criminal. He is criminal because of the application of criminal definitions. But the reality is, we as a society don’t settle with this. We tend to continuously want to alienate these people. The simple understanding that a crime is a definition and people are criminal because of the application of the definition is not enough. There has to be something off about them. We spend an extended period of time on their behavior and single it out. Instead of looking at the crime as a judgment made by segments of a society about the behavior others, we now believe that the behavior is an individual pathology. A pathology we are obligated to look out for and separate from those of us who are normal. Those who can be clinically diagnosed as having a pathological behavior nevertheless end up committing far too many crimes. This overlap perpetuates the misunderstanding of what a crime is.
The central idea here, that law "creates" deviancy by defining it, is sociologically very important. You might be interested in the treatment of this idea in Donald Black, The Behavior of Law (1976), which we will be reading shortly.
Conflict of Interest
Criminal definitions are created by those who have the power to do so and according to their respective interests. When the interests of the powerful group in a society feel threated by a behavior, they figure out a plain to curtail it. The interest’s turn into a policy which then formulate into a criminal definition. Each criminal definition has a policy that is attached to it. The acknowledgement of varying interests that clash shows that certain segments of society are in conflict with others. There’s a strong argument that the middle class can further their “powerful interest”. They are able to further their interest by electing those who create these definitions, and those who are able to enforce their interests. A stronger argument would be that the “powerful interest” is held by the most wealthy amongst us.
What form of interest group analysis explains why we make forcible sexual intercourse a felony? What social conflict among classes explains why child neglect, or unauthorized toxic waste disposal, or reckless endangerment, are crimes?.
When these different groups of society continuously clash, an increase in criminal definition formulates.
When do "different groups of [sic] society" not "continuously clash"? On what theory of society or history is this avoidable?
Precisely because you are advancing a particular theory of social agency, passive voice locutions in describing social phenomena won't work for you.
However, it is easy to loose track of the true policy that is attached to each criminal definition. A good example of this confusion is presented when we take a look at the criminal definitions attached to certain drugs. The powerful interests are able to formulate policies in order to curtail the drug threat imposed by the segments of society who hold an interest to use such drugs. In New York City, we see that the interests of the powerful increasingly conflict with the interest of the powerless with respects to marijuana.
What is the interest of the powerful with respect to marijuana in New York?
The policy behind this enforcement is continuously debated. Criminal definitions creates far too much discretion. |
> > | We must understand that: 1) a ‘crime’ is a definition and 2) the application of the definition is what creates the ‘criminal’. This understanding is however inadequate by society’s standards. There has to be something off about those who do not subscribe to criminal definitions. We spend an extended period of time analyzing their behavior and single it out. Instead of looking at the crime as a judgment made by segments of our society about the behavior of others, we adopt the belief that their criminal behavior is an individual pathology. A pathology we are obligated to look out for and as a society to separate from. |
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< < | Discretion in whom?
Of what sort? Criminal definitions are among the most carefully
focused in our statutory literature. Mandatory appeal as of
right and the crafted structure of appellate review of jury
instructions restating those definitions for lay finders of fact
and liability subjects those definitions to constant pressure.
You need to explain precisely and with some reference to facts
about the system what discretion you mean.
> > | Social Conflict |
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> > | Those who are able to create the definitions of criminal conduct are those who: (1) have the power to do so and (2) who do so according to their respective interests. When the interests of the ‘powerful group’ in a society feel threated by a behavior, they figure out a strategy to curtail it. The interest’s turn into a policy which then formulate into a criminal definition. Each criminal definition has a policy that is attached to it. The fact policies are formulated to strengthen a groups interest over another is evidence that certain segments of society are in conflict with others. |
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< < | The ever-changing conception of crime |
> > | Although public policies are determined by local, state and federal legislative bodies, The strongest argument with respects to who holds the “power” to shape public policy and criminal definitions are: criminal justice interest groups. Criminal justice interest groups (CJIG) are “organizations that are entirely or partially dedicated to influencing the formulation and execution of public policy in the areas of crime and criminal justice administration”. They include “professional groups, such as police officers' associations and bar associations, and groups that provide a mix of political activity and service to clients of the criminal justice system.” The analyses made by criminal justice interest groups explain why we make forcible sexual intercourse a felony. |
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> > | It is important to note that the criminal justice interest groups do not include public service groups. Furthermore, there are three critical points to be taken away in understanding CJIG’s and their respective role. First, members within CJIG are more influential than those who are reformers or within social service groups. Second, economic, social, cultural conditions in each state affect the structure, power, and goals of the CJIG. Third, criminal justice legislation is generally passed without open conflict in state legislatures and without major public involvement in the process. |
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< < | A society is encompassed of variety of cultures. These cultures are grouped into segments. These segments sometimes never interact. A group that may not have the power to create certain criminal definitions may be unfairly targeted. Segments within this group can develop certain behaviors and characteristics. These certain behaviors and characteristics are engrained by years of culture and history. So when the behavior of these individuals “threatens” the powerful interest we have then come back to a very scary notion. Instead of understanding these individuals behavior it is easier to label it as being different. This returns us to the risk of defining crimes far too loosely. Do these laws go after the “bad acts” society is trying to curtail for the right reasons or are these laws going after “behavior” that we are simply accustomed too. |
> > | Once we keep these points in mind, it is apparent that when economic, social or cultural differences arise between the CJIG and the less influential segments of society, a “clash” will arise and criminal definitions will be created. Furthermore, it follows that the greater the differences in interest between this group and various segments of society, the greater the probability that CJIG will formulate criminal definitions. |
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< < | This is especially dangerous when we acknowledge that the conceptions of crime are constructed and enabled by various means of communication. We as humans react to things based on our experiences. We normally are not accustomed to murder, rape or such violent crimes. It is the communication of these crimes through means of communication (online, television etc) that shape our perception of crimes. |
> > | Factors that may increase or decrease the probability that criminal definitions will be formulated include: (1) changing social conditions, (2) emerging interests, (3) increasing or decreasing demands that political and economic interests be protected. The criminality behind marijuana in NYC helps illustrate this understanding. African-Americans are disproportionately targeted with respects to marijuana. Economic, cultural and social conditions in NYC such as: unemployment across the city, racial integration and the subsequent pushback of such integration, and the reluctance of NYC citizens to grow in tolerance to minority groups will affect the structure, power, and goals of the CJIG. |
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Do you mean the "rate" or prevalence of crime, or its nature? We have been using lay juries to find facts and assess liability since roughly 1215. We possess lots of good thinking about the historical relationship of communications media and the substantive assessment of criminal liability. Also about the nature of political ideology in the structuring of the criminal law. E.P. Thompson and his extraordinary intellectual offspring, including Douglas Hay and Peter Linebaugh, are surely the place to start. I think you'd have to conclude on the basis of the whole sweep of the literature, that perception of crime rates is fundamentally constructed by the available media of social communication. That crime definitions are socially constructed by the same process is a much more tenuous assertion. Edward Thompson's entire career as a writer of history could be said to grow out of his interest in the question you are posing here. The Making of the English Working Class and Customs in Common as much as Whigs and Hunters are concerned with aspects of this problem.
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> > | The changing conception of crime |
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< < | However, when we recognize that the line is blurred as to what is a criminal we come to the conclusion that these forms of communication prove instrumental. Instead of understanding crime for what it is, a definition; we then understand crime for what it is not. |
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> > | The way we look at society is a social construction. The “real world” is a social construction. The “social reality” is the world we as individuals create and believe in as our own. The construction of this reality is according to the knowledge we develop, the ideas we are exposed to, the manner in which we select the information that goes into this reality and the manner in which we interpret the information we select. We as human being behave in reference to the meanings we attach to our experiences. Crime is a construction that follows this rationale. The construction of criminal definitions depends on the portrayal of crime through mass communication. Of course the most important conceptions of crime are those held by the powerful segments of society, which we noted earlier is held by the CJIG. The conceptions held by this group in most likelihood is integrated in the way we look at crime. Furthermore, CJIG have a close working relationship with those who in media. The more the CJIG is concerned about crime, the greater the likelihood that criminal definitions will be created and the greater the likelihood that the behavior of certain individuals (often the powerless and voiceless) will be in opposition of such definitions. |
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> > | In Conclusion |
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> > | Although criminal definitions are amongst the most carefully focused in our statutory literature; there is still far too much discretion. The discretion stems from the realization that the power to create criminal definitions is centralized and limited to a small segment of society. Furthermore, this discretion is exercised throughout the criminal justice system: in law enforcement’s targeting of crime, trial and sentencing. Mandatory appeals is a way to limit this discretion, however, this is often mute. The problem with discretion in our present-day criminal justice system is that it is exercised without meaningful accountability. Additionally, we must understand that the social reality of crime can often be manipulated or tailored to meet a certain agenda or goal via mass communication. Albeit, the desire to give law enforcement discretion is understandable, the unchecked discretion that police and prosecutors currently exercise creates a significant amount of injustice. |