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SamHersheySecondPaper 5 - 15 May 2010 - Main.StephanieOduro
META TOPICPARENT | name="SecondPaper" |
| | As Eben said many times, creative lawyering is difficult. I do not mean this paper to be a statement of surrender, but rather a question. As we as lawyers attempt to achieve justice, and as America advances domestically, is there anything meaningful that we can do to combat (what we perceive as) the greatest injustices that remain outside our borders? And on an even broader scale, how do we tackle problems as lawyers when there is very little law, if any, that deals with the problem? How do we deal with an issue the law may never have faced? In any area of law, domestic or foreign, this is the real work of creative lawyering, and while I may not know how yet, I hope that there are enough creative lawyers out there (myself included) who can do it. | |
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This comment is in reference to your first two paragraphs about the great injustices abroad as compared to here in the U.S. I wholly agree that so many of the problems faced abroad are so much larger than those that are domestic. And, contrary to popular belief, I don’t think there is anything wrong with admitting that.
For example, I’ve heard many Americans ask why people adopt from outside of the U.S. when there are so many children in the U.S. that need homes. This may be true but what worse: being in foster care in the U.S. or being out on the streets of a third-world country because there’s really no foster care system for unwanted children?
We should look at ourselves as a world community, where we try to not only help ourselves, but help others. The argument about tax revenues is a strong one that I, too, can understand. The government has a duty to protect their citizens first. But if individuals and corporations took more of a stand, they, too, could make a difference.
-- StephanieOduro - 15 May 2010 | | |
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