Law in Contemporary Society

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SandorMarton-FirstPaper 3 - 10 Feb 2008 - Main.SandorMarton
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper%25"
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Considering possible topics.

Paper Title

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 Is there a non-violent way to induce organizational change of creed? Civil Rights Movement an example? On other hand, even in the civil rights movement there was conflict with the established creed. More refined question: can a change take place merely through a reasoned decision on the best policy decision as opposed to through a violent struggle? If so, does this hold true in a democracy?

C. Case study of military specifically? Significant costs result from the sort of creeds adopted by armed forces as here the "us vs. them" element so central to creeds in general is used to help inflict violence on other people. These same creeds also make "rules of engagement" difficult to enforce. It is difficult to expect a 19-year-old who has been taught that his life's mission is to kill the "enemy" to be able to set aside those habits. War atrocities would seem to be impossible to prevent. On the other hand, the military creed is necessary for soldiers to carry out their duty. Or is it? (worth thinking about). Once our society decides that it needs a military, and if we think that a creed will make our soldiers more effective/save their lives, how do we weigh those interests with the atrocities which are sure to occur? Currently, our society handles the occurrence of atrocities by telling the citizens that the victims deserved it or that the action did not happen. Is there an alternative approach that would allow our military to maintain a creed and simultaneously regulate the costs of use of a creed by an organization whose avowed purpose is killing?

1. Analysis of the military under Arnold's theory. Perhaps this is too simple/easy? Maybe make this one part of the larger paper? Can I perform such an analysis in a couple hundred words? Too cursory? 2. Examine effects. 3. Discuss alternatives/solutions.

Section I

Revision 3r3 - 10 Feb 2008 - 14:08:27 - SandorMarton
Revision 2r2 - 09 Feb 2008 - 23:43:51 - SandorMarton
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