META TOPICPARENT | name="LawContempSoc" |
Statement on Interim Grades | |
> > | As you know, the Law School is being swept by a furore over timing of
grades. This has been presented as a response to student demand. As
the discussion here on TimelySubmissionOfGrades shows, this may not be
the entire story.
Colleagues who have been involved in Teach For America have written
powerfully and elegantly about the harm done to learning by insistence
on prioritizing summary evaluation above more important aspects of
teaching. See, for example, AjGarciaSecondPaper. People who have
been through both sides of this experience will recognize how stupid
and harmful to serious educational effort the forces of occupation
I have been working, with great interest and satisfaction, on editing
your writing. You have been writing, actively, and to the purpose.
Over the last ten days alone, more than 30% of you have done some
editing of your work.
Nonetheless, the schedule of law review selection, preparations for
EIP, and other completely non-educational activity, joined to the
current madness for avoiding real engagement with student work by
substituting prompt grading of true/false and multiple-choice exams,
imperatively demands that I turn in a grade, summarizing your
performance in the course so far. For almost a quarter of you, that
means turning in a grade before I have published the first edit
on your second essay. In order to submit grades now, I have spent
most of this week rereading every essay in the wiki, to provide a
snapshot evaluation of how matters stood as of Thursday night, June
21. | | These grades should not, in my professional opinion, be coming out | |
< < | now. Many people are still actively revising their work, and I have
not yet pushed into the wiki my editorial comments on work done or
revised since the end of the term. Your collective engagement with
this work remains high: I have been reading with great interest the
writing that has been done here on summer work experience, the Supreme
Court nomination, and other subjects. In my view, at least another
three weeks of commenting and revision should now occur. They will
occur, at least on my side, but some peoples' motivation will
inevitably slacken once they have received what they consider either a
"good enough" or an "unfairly bad" grade.
My professional judgment as your teacher is being overruled in the
interests of the law review selection process. Later, at the
appropriate time, I will be happy to explain more fully who has said
what, and in what tone of voice I answered. For now, it's enough to
say that the interests of students who have applied to be members of
certain law reviews will be harmed more by my insistence on the right
way of teaching than you will be harmed by receiving "interim grades."
Or so it appears to me, after several conversations with relevant parties. | > > | now. Your collective engagement with this work remains high. In my
view, at least another three weeks of commenting and revision should
now occur. They will occur, at least on my side, but some peoples'
motivation will inevitably slacken once they have received what they
consider either a "good enough" or an "unfairly bad" grade. | | The grades you are receiving are likely to change. I don't mean that | |
< < | every grade will change. In many cases, the revisions you have done
since I last reviewed your contributions to the wiki will not alter my
calculations of your effort, commitment and improvement. But in many
they will. I expect to submit a comprehensive round of grade
changes reflecting all the work done in the wiki through July 10, on
or by July 25. Work done after that point will be reflected in later
individual adjustments. | > > | every grade will change. But in many cases they will. No one's grade
will fall. I have left room "under the curve" for anticipated
improvements, so no one will be deprived by the grading mechanism of
the value of her or his additional work. For the next three weeks I
will be loading further edits to second essays as opportunity offers.
I will be in an intensive round of meetings in Seoul, South Korea,
from June 24 to June 30, and little will change in the wiki from my
side during that time. I will be in northern Europe from June 30 to
July 12, working partly on academic matters: by the end of that time,
all second essays will have been edited once. I expect to submit a
comprehensive round of grade changes reflecting all the work done in
the wiki through July 10, on or by July 25. Work done after that will
be reflected in independent study credits for those who choose to sign
up for independent work with me in the fall. | | | |
< < | All grades should be ignored. These
grades should be even more ignored than most. I'm going to keep
reading and commenting, and I hope you will keep thinking, reading and
writing. Fools who keep score will do what they do, but it should
concern us as little as possible. | > > | Should you wish not to receive an interim grade—regardless of the effect on such matters as law review selection—until you yourself consider it time for a grade to be entered, please send email to moglen@columbia.edu, with "LCS extension" in the subject line, not later than 5pm EDT on Sunday, June 24. I will release all interim grades for students who have not requested an extension in writing at 10am EDT, Monday, June 25. | | | |
> > | All grades should be ignored. These
interim grades should be even more ignored than most. I'm going to
keep reading and commenting, and I hope you will keep thinking,
reading and writing. Fools who keep score, thinking this is a game
you are either winning or losing, will do what they do. For those of
us trying to learn how to be the best lawyers we can be, this is mere
noise, and we should interact with it as little as possible. | | | |
> > |
| | | |
> > | Because this statement reflects policy, it is not subject to editing.
Please use StatementOnInterimGradesTalk? for comments. | | | |
< < | -- EbenMoglen - 23 Jun 2010 | | \ No newline at end of file | |
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