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TalkAboutQuestionsThatNeedAnswers 3 - 15 May 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
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META TOPICPARENT name="QuestionsOverview"
This page is a page for organizing the questions from our third assignment, QuestionsOverview? .
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 It would be productive to first construct categories into which we can sort out the topics and subtopics. I guess I will start, but please add on because I cannot be as complete and thorough as possible right now. -- JesseCreed - 10 May 2008
1. Professional Goals and Skills a. Short-term goals b. Long-term goals c. Productivity Skills

2. Academic Goals and Skills a. Courses b. Journals

1. Professional Goals and Skills
a. Short-term goals
b. Long-term goals
c. Productivity Skills
2. Academic Goals and Skills
a. Courses
b. Journals

A resonating comment from the April 9 lecture:

    The consequence, again, that I’ve seen, is that people decompose the question, "How do I use my skills to have a good life?" into a series of competing questions: Do "I use my skills to get … a meaningful life? paid enough? achieve a work-life balance with respect to the non-work parts of my life I care about?"

I see these categories as being counterproductive to our purpose, which is to view seemingly separate phenomena as wholes.

-- AndrewGradman - 15 May 2008

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Revision 3r3 - 15 May 2008 - 05:17:44 - AndrewGradman
Revision 2r2 - 15 May 2008 - 01:58:42 - AdamCarlis
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