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TaylorMcGowanSecondPaper 6 - 26 Apr 2010 - Main.JoshuaHochman
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 -- By TaylorMcGowan - 26 Feb 2010

Starting Point: O'Bryan v. The Holy See

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 Given the disconnect between the jurisprudence underlying sovereign immunity and the Holy See’s ecclesial functions it should be plain to see that its status as a foreign sovereign is nothing more than, in the words of Thurman Arnold, a myth. But while questions about the Holy See’s status as a foreign sovereign have so far dominated discussion, the real concern should be seeking justice for those who were harmed by the Church’s silence.
-- TaylorMcGowan - 17 Apr 2010
I printed out your paper and made minor grammar/structural notes there, as well as sketched out some of your bigger concepts. I wanted to do the same thing as the person who edited my paper, which was to give you a general reflection/reaction paragraph that can be saved in the wiki's history before I make my changes (probably tomorrow). I liked (and agree with) your main points, although I must confess that I knew nothing (at all) about the Holy See or the political structure of the Catholic Church. For this reason, I may play with the organization of your argument, so as to explain a bit more of the historical/political context (like how the See operates) before diving into "Why Sovereign Immunity Makes a Difference." I do not think it will be hard to maintain your voice, as you write very clearly. I will try to tighten up a few of the long-winded sentences (I am a pretty big offender in my own writing, but it's always easier to spot it in someone else's) but overall, I think you did an excellent job.
-- TaylorMcGowan - 17 Apr 2010
 \ No newline at end of file
-- JoshuaHochman - 24 Apr 2010

Revision 6r6 - 26 Apr 2010 - 02:51:11 - JoshuaHochman
Revision 5r5 - 22 Apr 2010 - 17:17:21 - TaylorMcGowan
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