Law in Contemporary Society

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TheNAPSTERofLegalEducation 5 - 24 Apr 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
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Let's conduct a thought experiment. "If someone you loved were entering as a 1L in September of 2008, how would you help that person do better than you did?"
    Mina makes a good point: "do you mean "do better" only in terms of grades? quality/amount of knowledge gained? overall experience (including social life)? or all of the above?"
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 Lesson 1: Only bother with the primary sources when they differ from the secondary sources. You'll rarely need to take class notes, because your teacher's lecture will differ little from the G-Drive outlines reflecting past years; and, before the first day of class, you can determine that you'll only need to read a few cases -- that you don't even need to buy a casebook -- if you compare your syllabus with your g-drive outlines.
Holmes said that "The law consists of that paraphrase of Precedent that a judge is most likely to adopt." (j/k.)
Holmes said that "The law consists of that paraphrase of Precedent that a judge is most likely to utter." (j/k.)
  • the professor is a common-law Judge,
  • each day's lecture is a Precedent,
  • and the Law is the exam,
  • the exam is the paraphrase of lectures that the professor is most likely to generate.
  • We can approximate the most probable exam as the one which a person empathizing with the professor is most likely to generate.
Lesson 2: DO NOT attempt to empathize with the professor alone. Use multiple G-drive outlines to generate a person empathizing with the professor statistically.
  • We can approximate the most probable exam as the one which a person empathizing with the professor is most likely to write.
Lesson 2: DO NOT attempt to empathize with the professor privately; empathy is a social construct. Define a person empathizing with the professor in terms of how your peers empathize with your professor. Either do this by forming a study group, or by using multiple G-drive outlines (past classmates).
 In principle, a single document could come into being that permits a future student to get a high grade without buying a casebook or transcribing a word of lecture. Indeed, my outlines for Contracts and Civil Procedure last semester would have permitted a student to do this, had my professors not, respectively, retired / been retired. I plan to contribute my outline to the G-Drive collection. To outlines one through six, there will now be seven.

Revision 5r5 - 24 Apr 2008 - 21:17:33 - AndrewGradman
Revision 4r4 - 24 Apr 2008 - 17:43:04 - AndrewGradman
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