Law in Contemporary Society

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VeblenIfYouGiveAMouseACookie 3 - 06 Apr 2010 - Main.AerinMiller
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 Did you ever think capitalism might end because it was too… successful? Veblen offers this possibility.
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 This reminds me of the equality of outcome/equality of opportunity debate in wealth distribution. John Rawls posits that people will not want more even if they see others have more, but if you accept the proposition that even minor relative inequalities exist, his assumption underestimates the actual impact these inequalities in wealth may produce. Take for example a city in suburban United States which builds schools and shopping malls that are only accessible by car because most citizens can afford personal transportation. If an individual resides outside a reasonable walking distance from resources such as food, education, and house maintenance devices, which many people in larger states do, having a car and gasoline becomes obvious basic necessities for some, though a car is considered a luxury in many parts of the world and beyond financial means for many families. You should look at Anne Phillips's essay 'Defending Equality of Outcome' if you're interested in problems of perceived relative inequality.

-- NovikaIshar - 06 Apr 2010


Ah, somehow I deleted my comment - here goes the second try:

Kalliope I didn't read any class conflict in Veblen's text, I think that was pretty well covered by Marx 40 years prior. Veblen, as far as I can see, is more concerned with a sociological (economic?) break-down of how the class gap got so broad. His tone and perspective are detached, like some kind of ethnographer. Isn't there something so refreshing about being told that all these things we want, and all the status these things bring, is just a bizarre cultural vestige?

I never understood why the men and women who run Fortune 500 companies seem to spend a lot of time on the golf course, or the tennis or the squash court. This offers a pretty good explanation why.

-- AerinMiller - 06 Apr 2010


Revision 3r3 - 06 Apr 2010 - 13:49:22 - AerinMiller
Revision 2r2 - 06 Apr 2010 - 04:12:21 - NovikaIshar
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