Law in the Internet Society

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AnarchistsAuthorsOwnersTestingThoughts 3 - 06 Oct 2009 - Main.AllanOng
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
Wow, I created a page! I'm trying to sort out my thoughts on the lecture of October 1, 2009, and I thought that Professor Moglen's comment in the GraspingTheNetTalk page would be a good starting point.
Line: 38 to 38
 As for item 3, it reminds me of the question of fixed costs. I also share an interest in the question of fixed costs.

-- BrianS - 05 Oct 2009


Hey Brian,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my ideas. I just found out that the TWiki is pretty nifty, because the conversation continues after class. The bad thing about it is, it's possible to be so engrossed on the LITIS TWiki all the time (unlike Securities class where there is no TWiki, haha).

-- AllanOng - 06 Oct 2009

\ No newline at end of file

Revision 3r3 - 06 Oct 2009 - 04:06:29 - AllanOng
Revision 2r2 - 05 Oct 2009 - 05:57:13 - BrianS
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