Law in the Internet Society

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AnarchistsAuthorsOwnersTestingThoughts 6 - 22 Oct 2009 - Main.StephenClarke
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
Wow, I created a page! I'm trying to sort out my thoughts on the lecture of October 1, 2009, and I thought that Professor Moglen's comment in the GraspingTheNetTalk page would be a good starting point.
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-- AllanOng - 06 Oct 2009

It is pointless to continue to discuss incentives to share, willingness to share, etc. Professor Moglin’s creatively named “Metaphorical Corollary to Faraday’s Law” describes a fact of life. In a large interconnected community, people will share information and this process will create free functional goods that are superior to proprietary goods. Since many examples we have discussed in class have involved software, I wanted to provide a simplistic example of anarchist production at work in the literary world.

Whenever a person walks into a Gamestop and purchases a new video game, the clerk will ask them if they want to purchase a strategy guide, which provides helpful tips and tricks regarding how to play the game. There is, however, no reason to ever purchase a proprietary strategy guide because multiple websites enable gamers to come together and create free strategy guides. Though creating a guide is a long tedious process if done through proprietary means, a community can create one efficiently even for an immense game.

One can speculate about why a person would bother logging onto a website and taking the time to post answers to imaginary problems, which he has paid $60 to have the privilege of solving in a fictional world. The psychological motivations behind such behavior may be many and varied, but they are largely irrelevant. This sort of behavior is now a fact of life.

-- StephenClarke - 22 Oct 2009

\ No newline at end of file

Revision 6r6 - 22 Oct 2009 - 02:16:32 - StephenClarke
Revision 5r5 - 12 Oct 2009 - 02:38:47 - AllanOng
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