Law in the Internet Society

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DiegodelaPuenteFirstPaper 19 - 27 Nov 2011 - Main.DiegodelaPuente
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"

DiegodelaPuenteFirstPaper 18 - 20 Nov 2011 - Main.DiegodelaPuente
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"
Line: 62 to 62

3. Conclusion

We have identified that freedom does not exist with today’s mobile network operators. Unless we try to change the regulatory policies, this situation will remain for many years, because it favors both mobile operators and the U.S. government. Telecommunications history reveals that United States governments had always relied on private companies, such as AT&T, to perform phone services and consequently, avoid investing in infrastructure. Furthermore, in recent years, the relation between the government and mobile networks has strengthened because of spying activities.
We have identified that freedom does not exist with today’s mobile network operators; therefore, unless we foster the modification of current telecom regulatory policies, this situation will remain for many years, because it favors both mobile operators and the U.S. government. We must not forget that telecommunications history in the U.S. reveals that governments have relied on private mobile networks, such as AT&T, to render phone services and build nationwide telecom infrastructures. Recently, this relationship has strengthened, particularly due to the confidential information provision about subscribers that mobile companies' have given to the government. The most controversial and evident case about this relationship occurred in July 2008, when Congress passed a law granting AT&T and Verizon full and retroactive immunity for any violations of the laws against spying Americans.

Information sources

DiegodelaPuenteFirstPaper 17 - 19 Nov 2011 - Main.DiegodelaPuente
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"

A proposal to live in a free mobile telecommunications world

-- By DiegodelaPuente - 29 Sep 2011

1. Open your mind

By the end of 2010 there were approximately 5.3 billion mobile subscribers according to the International Telecommunication Union. This means that mobile network owners have an immense power and control over the life of millions who must submit to their will and rules. Therefore, I argue that a change is needed and that technology advances are the way to achieve it. Unfortunately, mobile network operators and the U.S. government have opposed this change through the years and will continue to do so.
By the end of 2010 there were approximately 5.3 billion mobile subscribers according to the International Telecommunication Union. This reflects that mobile network owners have an immense control and power over the life of millions who must submit to their wills and rules. Therefore, I argue that the actual scheme must be changed in society's favor and that technology advances are the way to achieve it. Unfortunately, mobile network operators and the U.S. government have opposed any change to the actual scheme through the years.

ITU mobile subscribers statistics:

Nowadays, the most used technology to perform phone calls is Voice over IP (VoIP? ), also called Internet Telephony, which transforms voice into data packets that travel through the Internet to its destination. Almost all mobile operators and phone service providers over the Internet, such as Skype, are using VoIP? . Given this, we do not need mobile network operators if we could have the possibility to be connected to a giant Wi-Fi network and make mobile phone calls everywhere.
Nowadays, the most used technology to perform phone calls by advanced mobile operators and phone service providers over the Internet, such as Skype, is Voice over IP (VoIP? ), also called Internet Telephony, which transforms voice into data packets that travel through the Internet to its destination. Given this, it is technically possible that we do not need mobile network operators to process our phone calls if we can be connected to a giant Wi-Fi network and have Wi-Fi enabled mobile devices.
VoIP? :
VoIP? technology:

2. How to achieve the change?

My proposal is to use of Wi-Fi enabled VoIP? phones under super Wi-Fi environments. Unsurprisingly, mobile network operators have opposed this idea through the years, because they considered that it would represent a serious threat for their revenues. Instead, I consider this a threat to their existence.
My proposal is to use of Wi-Fi enabled VoIP? phones under super Wi-Fi environments, which is coherent with actual's trend to shift from voice towards data. However, mobile network operators have opposed Wi-Fi environment's promotion and related discoveries, because they considered that it would represent a serious threat for their voice revenues. For example, 2010 AT&T’s and Sprint’s voice revenue were US$28,315 millions and 2,249 millions, respectively.

AT&T's and Sprint's 2010 voice revenues: /


2.1 Super Wi-Fi networks

Super Wi-Fi network is the concept of turning entire cities into wireless access zones by means of wireless mesh networks. A mesh in this concept is a series of radio transmitters that are able to communicate with at least two others, creating a cloud of radio signals through the city. Municipal wireless networks are among the most discussed projects in this field during the past years. Many local governments around the world have done various initiatives to build citywide Wi-Fi networks and fortunately some of them had been successfully deployed. Even so, it is true that technological improvements are needed to obtain a high quality product, since poor quality or lose of signal can be generated by immense amount of traffic in the bandwidth or by bad climate conditions.
Super Wi-Fi network is the concept of turning entire cities into wireless access zones by means of wireless mesh networks. A mesh in this concept is a series of radio transmitters that are able to communicate with at least two others, creating a cloud of radio signals around a city. Municipal wireless networks are among the most discussed projects in this field during the past years. Many local governments around the world have done various initiatives to build citywide Wi-Fi networks and fortunately some of them had been successfully deployed. Even so, it is true that this project requires technological improvements to obtain a high quality product, since poor quality or lose of signal can be generated by immense amount of traffic in the bandwidth or by bad climate conditions, as well as by limited signal strength. Regarding the latter, the possibility to use higher power levels is needed to penetrate buildings and cover large populated areas; therefore, only a change in the current regulatory framework could allow this to happen.
 In respect to the financial matters, the business model of local governments may vary between projects, but generally the service is rendered based on a fixed minimum payment that is proportionally divided according to each citizen’s income and that could be paid monthly or jointly with the annual tax payment. Then, the consumer’s economical advantage over this scheme is the possibility to make local and long distance calls by just paying a minimum fixed fee for high-speed Internet access.

Municipal wireless networks:

 In spite of these positive attributes, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) opposed this scheme due to their concern for the possibility of generating (i) unfair competition among private and public sectors in the wireless industry and (ii) harmful interferences to local TV stations. The U.S. government dramatically changed its position on this topic when in 2006 FTC listed Wi-Fi first on its list of major technologies used to provide citywide wireless Internet access; in 2010 FCC, in its National Broadband Plan, referred to Wi-Fi only as an important complement to licensed fixed and mobile networks. What happened between these years was a great pressure from mobile telecommunications companies, so much so that even several states passed laws restricting public Wi-Fi. Moreover, some courts, deferring to FCC’s interpretation, have ascertained that it has the regulatory authority over wireless Internet access points mounted on utility poles. This is another legal barrier to avoid the deployment of citywide Wi-Fi networks, because of its power to change the actual standards.

FTC's and FCC's comments on municipal wireless networks: / / / /

Eric M. Fraser, A Postmortem look at Citywide WIFI, Journal of Internet Law (2010) (


2.2 Wi-Fi Phones

Wi-Fi phones, like computers, use VoIP? technology to make calls. This means that they do not need to be supported over the classical mobile networks architecture, they only need to be in a Wi-Fi covered area to start functioning.
Wi-Fi enabled phones, like computers, use VoIP? technology to make calls. This means that they do not need to be supported over the classical mobile networks architecture, they only need to be in a Wi-Fi covered area to function. However, user’s experience under this new environment will be different for the moment, since Internet routing is more unstable and slower than traditional mobile network routing when persons are moving. Moreover, mobile companies rejection of super Wi-Fi networks has delayed pure Wi-Fi phones’ production and the development of advanced Wi-Fi software that can be installed in actual GSM, CDMA or WCDMA devices. In that order of ideas, once the construction of super Wi-Fi networks starts in large scales, the most important manufactures of mobile devices are going to turn towards this new field and build new mobile phones that will be supported by the Internet network.
Mobile companies’ rejection of the super Wi-Fi network has delayed the massive production of pure Wi-Fi phones or the development of new software that can be used in actual GSM, CDMA or WCDMA to allow the performance of phone calls over the Internet without having to be realized in a mobile network. Nonetheless, anyone can buy a Linksys, Locktec or ZyXEL? phone with an open protocol for approximately US$90.00. In that order of ideas, once the construction of super Wi-Fi networks starts, the most important manufactures of mobile devices are going to turn their eyes toward this new field and build thousands of new models of mobile phones that will be supported only by the Internet network. I can guarantee that when that day arrives mobile networks will face their end.
Wi-Fi phones: /

3. Conclusion

We have identified that freedom does not exist with today’s mobile network operators. Unless we try to change the regulatory policies conducted by the U.S. government by showing an interest in this matter, this situation will remain for many years, because it favors mobile operators’ power and income increase.
We have identified that freedom does not exist with today’s mobile network operators. Unless we try to change the regulatory policies, this situation will remain for many years, because it favors both mobile operators and the U.S. government. Telecommunications history reveals that United States governments had always relied on private companies, such as AT&T, to perform phone services and consequently, avoid investing in infrastructure. Furthermore, in recent years, the relation between the government and mobile networks has strengthened because of spying activities.

Information sources

Line: 35 to 72




Super Wi-Fi networks

Wi-Fi phones
Technological utopianism
- Mike Masnik, Saying You Can't Compete With Free Is Saying You Can't Compete Period (link:
Wi-Fi phones
Line: 103 to 150
Cell phone operators
Technological utopianism
ITU Statistics and operators information


It would be helpful to put links into the body of the text, where they support individual

DiegodelaPuenteFirstPaper 16 - 19 Nov 2011 - Main.DiegodelaPuente
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"

A proposal to live in a free mobile telecommunications world

Line: 9 to 9
 Nowadays, the most used technology to perform phone calls is Voice over IP (VoIP? ), also called Internet Telephony, which transforms voice into data packets that travel through the Internet to its destination. Almost all mobile operators and phone service providers over the Internet, such as Skype, are using VoIP? . Given this, we do not need mobile network operators if we could have the possibility to be connected to a giant Wi-Fi network and make mobile phone calls everywhere.
VoIP? :

2. How to achieve the change?

My proposal is to use of Wi-Fi enabled VoIP? phones under super Wi-Fi environments. Unsurprisingly, mobile network operators have opposed this idea through the years, because they considered that it would represent a serious threat for their revenues. Instead, I consider this a threat to their existence.
Line: 28 to 30
 We have identified that freedom does not exist with today’s mobile network operators. Unless we try to change the regulatory policies conducted by the U.S. government by showing an interest in this matter, this situation will remain for many years, because it favors mobile operators’ power and income increase.

Information sources

VoIP technology


Super Wi-Fi networks


Wi-Fi phones




Technological utopianism



- Mike Masnik, Saying You Can't Compete With Free Is Saying You Can't Compete Period (link:


DiegodelaPuenteFirstPaper 15 - 16 Nov 2011 - Main.DiegodelaPuente
Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"

A proposal to live in a free mobile telecommunications world

-- By DiegodelaPuente - 29 Sep 2011


1. Open your mind and start the revolution


1. Open your mind

By the end of 2010 there were approximately 5.3 billion mobile subscribers according to the International Telecommunication Union. This means that mobile network owners have an immense power and control over the life of millions who must submit to their will and rules. Therefore, I argue that a change is needed and that technology advances are the way to achieve it. Unfortunately, mobile network operators and the U.S. government have opposed this change through the years and will continue to do so.
By the end of 2010 there were approximately 5.3 billion mobile subscribers according to the International Telecommunication Union. In our world, this means that mobile network owners have an immense power and control over the daily life of millions who must submit to the will and rules of Carlos Slim or his colleagues. Therefore, I considered that a change is needed and technology advances are the way to achieve it.

Unfortunately, since there are economical and political interests related to this industry, mobile network operators and the U.S government have opposed to this change through the years and will continue to do so.

Lets get started! The first step to reach this objective is to understand that the world will not collapse when network operators disappear, because you will have the possibility to make mobile phone calls, but in a different manner.

Technological improvements have forced mobile operators to use Voice over IP (VoIP? ), also called Internet Telephony, to process phone calls. In this scenario voice is transformed into data packets that travel through the Internet to its destination. This is the same technology used by Skype or similar to perform calls between computers or other devices.

In that sense, it is necessary to ask why do we need mobile network operators if we already perform phone calls via other means like the Internet? Can you imagine having the possibility to connect to a giant Wi-Fi network and use a phone everywhere by just paying a minimum fee for the Internet access?

Nowadays, the most used technology to perform phone calls is Voice over IP (VoIP? ), also called Internet Telephony, which transforms voice into data packets that travel through the Internet to its destination. Almost all mobile operators and phone service providers over the Internet, such as Skype, are using VoIP? . Given this, we do not need mobile network operators if we could have the possibility to be connected to a giant Wi-Fi network and make mobile phone calls everywhere.

2. How to achieve the change?

Foster the usage of Wi-Fi enabled VoIP? phones under super Wi-Fi environments. My intention is to gather two of the most advanced improvements in science for a bigger purpose. Unsurprisingly, mobile network operators have underestimated this idea through the years; on the ground that they considered that it would represent a serious threat for their revenues. Instead, I consider this as a threat for their existence.

The principal advantage that can be obtained by this proposal is free local and long distance calls paying a minimum fixed fee for high-speed Internet access.

My proposal is to use of Wi-Fi enabled VoIP? phones under super Wi-Fi environments. Unsurprisingly, mobile network operators have opposed this idea through the years, because they considered that it would represent a serious threat for their revenues. Instead, I consider this a threat to their existence.

2.1 Super Wi-Fi networks

Super Wi-Fi network is the concept of turning entire cities into wireless access zones by means of wireless mesh networks. A mesh in this concept is a series of radio transmitters that are able to communicate with at least two others, creating a cloud of radio signals through the city. Municipal wireless networks are among the most discussed projects in this field during the past years. Many local governments around the world have done various initiatives to build citywide Wi-Fi networks and fortunately some of them had been successfully deployed. Even so, it is true that technological improvements are needed to obtain a high quality product, since poor quality or lose of signal can be generated by immense amount of traffic in the bandwidth or by bad climate conditions.
This is the concept of turning entire cities into wireless access zones and could be achieved by means of wireless mesh networks. A mesh in this concept is a series of radio transmitters that are able to communicate with at least two others, creating a cloud of radio signals through the city.

Mainly and among the most discussed projects during the past years for the construction of wireless mesh networks are municipal wireless networks. Many local governments from around the world have done various initiatives to build citywide Wi-Fi networks and fortunately some of them had a successful deployment. Even though, it is certain to admit that technological improvements are needed to obtain a high quality product, since poor quality or lost of signal can be generated by immense amount of traffic in the bandwidth or by bad climate conditions.

In respect with the financial matters, the business model of local governments may vary between projects, but generally the service is rendered based on a fixed minimum payment that is adequately and proportionally divided according to each citizen’s income and that could be paid monthly or jointly with the annual tax payment.

In respect to the financial matters, the business model of local governments may vary between projects, but generally the service is rendered based on a fixed minimum payment that is proportionally divided according to each citizen’s income and that could be paid monthly or jointly with the annual tax payment. Then, the consumer’s economical advantage over this scheme is the possibility to make local and long distance calls by just paying a minimum fixed fee for high-speed Internet access.
In contrast to benefit from its positive attributes, referring to the U.S. government as an example, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) opposed to this scheme, among others, due to their concern for the possibility to generate unfair competition among private and public sectors in the wireless industry and harmful interferences to local TV stations.

The U.S. government dramatically changed its position about this topic when in 2006 FTC listed Wi-Fi first in its list of major technological used to provide citywide wireless Internet access, and then in 2010 FCC, in its National Broadband Plan, referred to Wi-Fi only as an important complement to licensed fixed and mobile networks. What happened between these years? There was a great pressure from telecommunications companies that even achieved that several states such as Pennsylvania passed laws restricting public Wi-Fi.

Moreover, some courts deferring to FCC’s interpretation, have ascertained that it has the regulatory authority over wireless Internet access points mounted on utility poles. This is another legal barrier to avoid the deployment of citywide Wi-Fi networks, because of its power to change the actual standards.

In spite of these positive attributes, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) opposed this scheme due to their concern for the possibility of generating (i) unfair competition among private and public sectors in the wireless industry and (ii) harmful interferences to local TV stations. The U.S. government dramatically changed its position on this topic when in 2006 FTC listed Wi-Fi first on its list of major technologies used to provide citywide wireless Internet access; in 2010 FCC, in its National Broadband Plan, referred to Wi-Fi only as an important complement to licensed fixed and mobile networks. What happened between these years was a great pressure from mobile telecommunications companies, so much so that even several states passed laws restricting public Wi-Fi. Moreover, some courts, deferring to FCC’s interpretation, have ascertained that it has the regulatory authority over wireless Internet access points mounted on utility poles. This is another legal barrier to avoid the deployment of citywide Wi-Fi networks, because of its power to change the actual standards.

2.2 Wi-Fi Phones

Wi-Fi phones, like computers, use VoIP? technology to make calls. This means that they do not need to be supported over the classical mobile networks architecture, they only need to be in a Wi-Fi covered area to start functioning.
Wi-Fi phones likewise computers use VoIP? technology to make calls. This means that they do not need to be supported over the classical mobile networks architecture, they only need to be in a Wi-Fi covered area to start functioning.

The rejection of mobile companies to this initiative have delayed the massive production of pure Wi-Fi phones or the development of new software that can be used in actual GSM, CDMA or WCDMA to allow the performance of phone calls over the Internet without having to be realized in a mobile network. Nonetheless, you can buy a Linksys, Locktec or ZyXEL? phone with an open protocol for approximately US$90.00.

I believe that once the construction of super Wi-Fi networks start, the most important manufactures of mobile devices are going to turn their eyes into this new filed and build hundreds of new models of phones that will be supported only in the Internet network. I can guarantee that when that day arrives mobile networks will face its end.

Mobile companies’ rejection of the super Wi-Fi network has delayed the massive production of pure Wi-Fi phones or the development of new software that can be used in actual GSM, CDMA or WCDMA to allow the performance of phone calls over the Internet without having to be realized in a mobile network. Nonetheless, anyone can buy a Linksys, Locktec or ZyXEL? phone with an open protocol for approximately US$90.00. In that order of ideas, once the construction of super Wi-Fi networks starts, the most important manufactures of mobile devices are going to turn their eyes toward this new field and build thousands of new models of mobile phones that will be supported only by the Internet network. I can guarantee that when that day arrives mobile networks will face their end.

3. Conclusion

You have identified that freedom does not exist with today’s mobile network operators.

Unless we try to change the regulatory policies conducted by the U.S. government by showing an evident interest in this matter, this situation would remain for many years, because it favors mobile operators power and income increase. You can try to cooperate to achieve my proposal or continue living submitted to the will of the owners of mobile networks. That is your choice.

We have identified that freedom does not exist with today’s mobile network operators. Unless we try to change the regulatory policies conducted by the U.S. government by showing an interest in this matter, this situation will remain for many years, because it favors mobile operators’ power and income increase.

Information sources


Revision 19r19 - 27 Nov 2011 - 23:22:47 - DiegodelaPuente
Revision 18r18 - 20 Nov 2011 - 03:47:47 - DiegodelaPuente
Revision 17r17 - 19 Nov 2011 - 20:03:17 - DiegodelaPuente
Revision 16r16 - 19 Nov 2011 - 00:51:37 - DiegodelaPuente
Revision 15r15 - 16 Nov 2011 - 20:56:03 - DiegodelaPuente
Revision 14r14 - 14 Nov 2011 - 18:11:26 - EbenMoglen
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