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TWikiUserAuthentication 8 - 06 Sep 2001 - Main.MikeMannix
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TWiki User Authentication

Controlling TWiki site access and logging authorized user activity
TWiki site access control and user activity tracking


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Authentication Options

No special installation steps need to be performed if the server is already authenticated. If not, you have three remaining options to controlling user access:

  1. Forget about authentication. All changes are registered to TWikiGuest user, so you can't tell who made changes. Your site is completely open and public - anyone can browse and edit freely, in classic Wiki mode.
  2. Use Basic Authentication for the edit and attach scripts. This uses .htaccess and generates the familiar grey log-in window. The TWiki Installation Guide has step-by-step instructions.
  3. Use SSL to authenticate and secure the whole server.
  1. Forget about authentication. All changes are registered to TWikiGuest user, so you can't tell who made changes. Your site is completely open and public - anyone can browse and edit freely, in classic Wiki mode.
  2. Use Basic Authentication for the edit and attach scripts. This uses .htaccess and generates the familiar grey log-in window. The TWiki Installation Guide has step-by-step instructions.
  3. Use SSL to authenticate and secure the whole server.

Tracking by IP Address

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 This points WikiUser to the TWiki.Main web, where user registration pages are stored, no matter which web it's entered in. Without the web prefix, the name appears as a NewTopic? everywhere but in the Main web.

Changing Passwords

Change and reset passwords using forms on regular pages. Use topic-level TWikiAccessControl to restrict use as required.

 Forgotten your password? Use ResetPassword instead.

After submitting this form your password will be changed.
Fields marked ** are required
Your LoginName: **
Current password: **
New password: **
Retype new password: **
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormSteps-->


 Remember your password? Use ChangePassword instead. Otherwise, use this form to get a new one e-mailed to you.

After submitting this form, you will receive an e-mail with your new, system-generated password, and a link to a page where you can change it.

ALERT! you must have at least one valid registered e-mail to be able to reset your password. If none of your registered e-mail addresses is valid, and you have forgotten your password, contact webmaster@new.law.columbia.edu.

Fields marked ** are required
Your LoginName: **
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormStep-->
<-- /twikiFormSteps-->

 -- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
-- MikeMannix? - 29 Aug 2001

Revision 8r8 - 06 Sep 2001 - 05:56:27 - MikeMannix?
Revision 7r7 - 04 Sep 2001 - 01:41:41 - MikeMannix?
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