Law in Contemporary Society

-- TaleahTyrell - 01 Feb 2021

Hi Taleah, I'm very conflicted about what to do this summer but I have to make a decision soon. I feel like my public interest option is directly related to my long-term goal. My firm option is related to my goal of making money, but not to my actual goals as an attorney. Networking is my best way to maximize opportunity, so I'm just hoping that whichever I choose will give me that. I need to write out a specific goal plan honestly.

-- OliviaMartinez - 02 Feb 2021

I had a great conversation with a friend last night who prioritizes happiness, and, without their giving their opinion on which job I should take, the conversation alone reminded me that I will probably get more out of this summer if I choose happiness. I also feel like this year of law school has been so draining, I need to choose something that will make me happy and see that I can do something good with my law degree.

-- OliviaMartinez - 04 Feb 2021

I also wonder, what's everyone's take on the strange air about summer jobs at CLS? Why do some 1Ls withhold from talking about their choice with each other, especially when we all know the 1L job doesn't matter much? Is it becoming a competition, do we all distrust each other, or am I missing something?

-- OliviaMartinez - 04 Feb 2021


What are you planning on doing this summer? Is it related to your long-term goal as an attorney? What steps can we take right now to maximize that opportunity? How can we use this job to take us to the next step in our goal?


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r3 - 04 Feb 2021 - 14:41:29 - OliviaMartinez
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