ENDTWISTYTwisty closure, complements the opening TWISTY tag.
Twisty components syntax
Ocassionally you might need to create a custom set of individual Twisty components:
TWISTYBUTTONShorthand version for TWISTYSHOW & TWISTYHIDE This is useful if both the show and the hide button take the same arguments.
TWISTYSHOWShow/open link
TWISTYHIDEHide/close link
TWISTYTOGGLETwisty Toggle contents section
The Fine PrintTwistyPlugin is a convenience plugin for TWiki:Plugins.TwistyContrib. Major features are:
Plugin SettingsPlugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write%<plugin>_<setting>% , i.e. %TWISTYPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
Plugin Installation Instructions
Plugin Info