American Legal History

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AmLegalHist Web Changed By
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AjaySainiWikipediaProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan trusteeship I attached a link to the first draft of my wikipedia project. I'm having trouble figuring out how to ...
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AlexLawrenceProjectDanielWebster 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
Daniel Webster Project: Question: How did Daniel Webster, a figure generally or abstractly viewed as a New England icon in his day, come to be #8220;adopted #8221 ...
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AlexWashingtonWikiProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
The Moynihan Report: Public Reception and Legacy Contents of Report The Negro Family: A Case for Action, commonly known as the The Moynihan Report, was written by ...
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AndersPauleyWikiProject 10 Jan 2013 - 14:46 AndersPauley
Secondary Sources Please see the text of the Wikipedia article, now approved, here. Primary Sources English Intellectual Antecedents to United States Prison Systems ...
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AndrewKerrProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:19 IanSullivan
5/15/2010: I have completed my project for the purposes of this class, and it is ready to be graded. However, I might continue to add or upload any relevant information ...
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AndrewMcCormickProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
AndrewMcCormick 13 Nov 2009 Contents 1. Character and Fitness: a ubiquitous, historically present standard. But a significant one? 2. Rise of Character as a Professional ...
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AngelaProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
AngelaChen 08 Nov 2009 Capital Punishment in America, 1611 1846 Work update I'm currently in Hong Kong, and I visited the reference section of the Hong Kong Central ...
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ArchivedMaterial 29 Aug 2012 - 20:22 IanSullivan
This is where student specific materials from previous years goes once the term ends.
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BenMarcu-FightingForIndependenceAtTheFivePoints 26 Jan 2017 - 18:09 BenjaminMarcu
FIGHTING FOR INDEPENDENCE AT THE FIVE POINTS: THE JULY 4TH AND 5TH RIOT OF 1857 By, Ben Marcu Abraham Florentine Jr. was just three blocks from his house when ...
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BillNahillWikiProject 12 Mar 2013 - 20:31 WilliamNahill
Please see the Wikipedia article here. Commonwealth v. Hunt Commonwealth v. Hunt (1842) was a landmark legal decision issued by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial ...
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BlackSuffrageInWATerritory 04 Dec 2017 - 21:16 JohnOMeara
No Suffrage, Little Attention; Nonetheless, Some Prosperity A wealthy half Black war veteran and frontiersman named George Washington Bush altered the course of history ...
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ChicoSijmProject 28 Nov 2016 - 02:06 ChicoSijm
Arbitration in New Netherland In the 17th century Dutch colony New Netherland, arbitration was used as a form of non court dispute resolution. Unlike contemporary ...
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ChrisProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
Regulators of North Carolina Project Description and Research Questions Project Description For my project, I intend to study anti creditor movements during the ...
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ChrisRiceWikipediaProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan Charter of Liberties and Privileges This is my wiki article on my userpage; haven't officially submitted it yet ...
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ClassBitterIrony 29 Aug 2012 - 22:04 IanSullivan
The Age of Bitter Irony How a grieving society came to the brink of class warfare and fashioned law for industrial semi democracy. Readings Access materials on the ...
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ClassCivilLiberties 29 Aug 2012 - 22:13 IanSullivan
Brandeis, Warren: the Rise and Fall of Civil Liberties Where the modern civil libertarian came from, who killed him, and where he's buried. Readings Access materials ...
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ClassCivilRights 29 Aug 2012 - 22:15 IanSullivan
Marshall: Civil Rights and the New Public Law Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned Railroad Comm'n v. Pullman Co. , 312 U.S. 496 (1941) ...
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ClassCodification 29 Aug 2012 - 22:00 IanSullivan
Codification and the Common Law The ideology of democratic imperialism that we call Jacksonian was not hospitable to the common law. The resulting tensions shaped ...
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ClassCollisionWorlds 29 Aug 2012 - 22:03 IanSullivan
Collision of Worlds How 660,000 people and the Constitution died. Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned Somerset v. Stewart , 1 Lofft 1 ...
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ClassColonialPolicy 29 Aug 2012 - 21:50 IanSullivan
Colonial Policy and Colonial Constitutionalism How Whitehall created the Empire of the United States. Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned ...
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ClassCommercialDevelopment 29 Aug 2012 - 21:49 IanSullivan
Commercial Development Here we consider how the commercial systems of British North America developed, and how the law of mercantile commerce was shaped by North American ...
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ClassConstitutionMaking 29 Aug 2012 - 21:51 IanSullivan
Constitution Making Looking Backward How the possibility of an American Revolution was prevented, and the past was securely embodied in a conservative future by the ...
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ClassConstitutionalSilences 29 Aug 2012 - 21:55 IanSullivan
What's Not in the Constitution Like all complex and decisive political processes, the Constitutional Convention dealt with some of its most important and divisive ...
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ClassEmpire 29 Aug 2012 - 21:50 IanSullivan
Empire The federal nature of the first British Empire, and in particular the understanding of the British North Americans about that federalism, is at the root of ...
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ClassExpansion 19 Oct 2016 - 18:23 PatriciaHartmann
Expansion, Transformation, and the Release of Energy The newly independent empire of the United States in its explosive, expansionist phase was organized by law built ...
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ClassHolmes 18 Sep 2012 - 20:21 IanSullivan
Holmes Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned O. W. Holmes, "The Path of the Law" (1897) From O. W. Holmes, The Common Law (1881) The Western ...
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ClassIdeologyIllusion 01 Sep 2016 - 15:25 EbenMoglen
Ideology and Illusion in Colonial Legal Development European settlement in North America, and in particular the English settlements, can only be understood in relation ...
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ClassIronHeel 29 Aug 2012 - 22:04 IanSullivan
Bread and Roses, and the Iron Heel The real cataclysm of the release of energy principal: the confrontation of labor and capital during a depression caused by the ...
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ClassLaborRelations 01 Sep 2016 - 15:25 EbenMoglen
Colonial Labor Systems Law The labor discipline systems of British colonial North America, slave and free, set the conditions of social and legal development for ...
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ClassLawRiver 22 Nov 2016 - 19:46 JeffreyGlass
Law and the River On the economic and legal geographies of British North America before the war of independence. Readings Access materials on the Readings page ...
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ClassLegalRealism 29 Aug 2012 - 22:15 IanSullivan
Legal Realism and the Reaction How a hermaneutic turn in the law nearly made the folklore of capitalism obsolete. How a heroic band of conservatives invented neutral ...
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ClassLincoln 29 Aug 2012 - 22:03 IanSullivan
Lincoln Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned Suggested Notes and Materials Projects
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ClassMarshall 29 Aug 2012 - 21:56 IanSullivan
Marshall Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned Marbury v. Madison (1803) M'Culloch v. Maryland (1819) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Suggested Notes ...
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ClassNewDeal 29 Aug 2012 - 22:06 IanSullivan
A New Deal for the American People How democracy and war saved capitalism and white supremacy from themselves. Where modernity came from. How the Empire conquered ...
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ClassPages 07 Sep 2011 - 21:39 IanSullivan
%TREEBROWSER{ theme "file" shared "tree" title "" openTo "1" noroot "true" }% %TREE{ web "" formatting "outline" topic "ClassPages" format ...
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ClassProgessivism 29 Aug 2012 - 22:04 IanSullivan
Progressivism and Legal Anti Formalism How the intellectual effects of Darwinism and the social effects of the struggle between capital and labor changed the public ...
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ClassProjects2009 29 Aug 2012 - 20:24 IanSullivan
%TREEBROWSER{ theme "file" shared "tree" title "" openTo "1" noroot "true" }% %TREE{ web "" formatting "outline" topic "ClassProjects2009" ...
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ClassReconstructionEmpire 29 Aug 2012 - 22:03 IanSullivan
Reconstruction and Reimperialization How the real American Revolution failed, and how the Empire did what Karl Marx recommended. Readings Access materials on the ...
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ClassSettlement 01 Sep 2016 - 15:22 EbenMoglen
Settlement In this section of the course, we consider the process by which colonial legal regimes were created in British North America, and how the law was "settled ...
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ClassStatusClassPatriarchy 29 Aug 2012 - 21:49 IanSullivan
Status, Class and Patriarchy Interpreting the colonial societies and their legal orders. Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned Edmund Morgan ...
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ClassTransitionFederalisms 29 Aug 2012 - 21:51 IanSullivan
Transition of Federalisms: The Revolution that Wasn't Readings Access materials on the Readings page. Assigned Selected documents from Sources and Documents Illustrating ...
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ClassWarConstitution 29 Aug 2012 - 22:03 IanSullivan
War, the Constitution, and Emancipation The end of the first imperial constitution and the beginning of the actual, abortive American Revolution. Readings Access ...
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ColonialPolicyThoughtsQuestions 02 Oct 2011 - 00:43 EbenMoglen
Some of my thoughts/comments on the reading (pre class) please jump in on a discussion/comments/etc. 1. I found it a bit puzzling that in the Proclamation of 1763 ...
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CoryNelsonProject 02 Feb 2013 - 21:25 CoryNelson
Hello all, The subject of my work, "Immigration to Iowa," has been incorporated into the "History of Iowa" Wikipedia page. This can be found at http://en.wikipedia ...
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CriticismsOfTheCommonLaw 18 Nov 2016 - 10:41 KouroshShaffy
KouroshShaffy 18 Nov 2016
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DanielLennardProject 10 Mar 2013 - 13:59 DanielLennard
My Wikipedia article can be found here: for the Better Regulation and Government of Seamen in the Merchants Service Brief introduction ...
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DanielThompsonProject 28 Mar 2013 - 17:23 DanielThompson
Background This article describes legislative efforts to prevent the slaughter of the American Bison as it was hunted to near extinction during the latter half of ...
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DeathPenaltyProject-Revised 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
AngelaChen 23 Jan 2010 Note Please note that this is the topic page for the revised version of my old project the original project can be found here. In addition ...
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DraftTextOfRitaTrivediWikipediaProjectWork 01 Nov 2011 - 16:41 RitaTrivedi
Here is the draft text of my Wikipedia project; I've pasted it in from the Word file that was attached to the main page before this. The text formatting is somewhat ...
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DuaneLeProject 09 Jul 2013 - 02:05 DuaneLe
Bureau Law in the Occupied South Inquiry The formation of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands was an unusual moment in American constitutional history ...
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ElliottBlackBudget 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
Note: This project is suspended. See ElliottEssay. The Black Budget Introduction This topic will offer sources and commentary on the Pentagon's "Black Budget," which ...
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ElliottCritique 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
Note: This project is suspended. See ElliottEssay. A Second Work in Progress As part of my writing credit, I critique "Why evolutionary biology is (so far) irrelevant ...
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ElliottEssay 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
Uncertainty, Religion, and Law Elliott Ash 1. Introduction The relationship between religion and law in human society has been the subject of untold inquiry. The ...
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ElliottProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
Note: This project is suspended. See ElliottEssay. Church State Separation in Colonial Times The purpose of the project is to evaluate the degree of church state ...
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ElliottProjectOld 06 Nov 2009 - 16:23 ElliottAsh
Church State Separation in Colonial Times The purpose of the project is to evaluate the degree of church state separation in the decades leading up to and following ...
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ElviraKrasWikiProject 15 Oct 2014 - 15:02 ElviraKras
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EmilyProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:10 IanSullivan
Progress update: I'm done, I think. Comments and suggestions from all quarters welcome. Also classmates: if you have time on your hands, would you be able to help ...
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GabrielleWolfWikiProject 31 Mar 2013 - 04:30 GabrielleWolf
Lynne Stewart's Re Sentencing: #8220;Few Love a Spokesman for the Despised and the Damned #8221; Lynne Stewart, #8220;a left wing radical at heart and a veteran ...
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GloverWrightProject 22 Apr 2013 - 18:16 GloverWright
The Wikipedia article, which already has undergone some editing/merging, is here. The Origins of Parole in New York Introduction The early history of parole in the ...
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GreatDepressionGoldSeizures 27 Dec 2016 - 05:06 KevinHennecken
Great Depression Gold Seizures and the Rule of Law #8220;Hell, there are no rules around here. We #8217;re trying to accomplish something. #8221; #8211; Thomas ...
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GunCulture 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
work in progress. Introduction Guns remain an enigmatic symbol in America society an emblem of liberty, independence, power, strength, masculinity, fear, oppression ...
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HaskinsSReviewOfEarlyMassLaw 23 Sep 2016 - 12:34 JohnOMeara
Why Does Religious Conviction Endure Exposure? A thought occurs to me regarding the arbitrary, yet pious and prudential, nature and function of early Massachusetts ...
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HistoricalMethods 07 Sep 2011 - 00:34 IanSullivan
Historical Methods Resources Historical Methods Video Lectures
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HistoryReferences 07 Sep 2011 - 00:34 IanSullivan
History References A Glossary of Links v. Hardwick Bowers v. Hardwick Brandeis Burr, Aaron, Treason Trial ...
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HoangTruongProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
The Chinese Exclusionary Act and its Effect In the late 19th century, the face representing the visage of illegal and unwanted immigration was distinctly Chinese ...
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IncestInMass 07 Sep 2011 - 00:17 IanSullivan
DonnaAckermann 30 Oct 2009 Incest in Colonial Massachusetts, 1636 1710 In response to Professor Moglen #8217;s comments, please find a new version of this paper ...
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JamilaMcCoyProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
The Birth of a Suburban Nation: The FHA's Contribution to America's Sprawling and Segregated Residential Patterns The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) was established ...
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JenniferAndersonWikiProject 11 May 2013 - 08:03 JenniferAnderson
McCastle v. Rollins Environmental Services, Inc. Please see the Wikipedia article here JenniferAnderson May 11, 2013 McCastle v. Rollins Environmental Services ...
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JohnOMearaProject_DumbLuck 12 Jan 2018 - 22:13 EbenMoglen
No Suffrage, Little Attention; Nonetheless, Some Prosperity A wealthy half Black war veteran and frontiersman named George Washington Bush altered the course of history ...
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JoseMirandaProject 22 Oct 2017 - 19:04 EbenMoglen
JoseMiranda 15 Oct 2017 INTRODUCTION Contemporary legal education primarily teaches students how to "think like a lawyer" and present balanced and formulaic arguments ...
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JuliaGrabowskaProject_SolitaryConfinement 23 Oct 2017 - 19:35 JuliaGrabowska
Origins of solitary confinement in the U.S. Origins Up until the end of the Revolutionary period, sanguinary punishments were used to penalize those who had ...
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KenYangProject 23 Jan 2017 - 21:05 EbenMoglen
The Monroe Doctrine and the Law of Nations: a brief History Ken Yang The fascinating aspect of the Monroe Doctrine comes from its duality. As Sexton points out, the ...
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LizzieGomezWikiProject 16 Dec 2012 - 22:39 LizzieGomez
Please see the Wikipedia article here. LizzieGomez 16 Dec 2012 Myra Clark Gaines Myra Clark Gaines (June 30, 1804 (?) January 9, 1885) was an American socialite ...
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MapsAndGeneralCartography 07 Sep 2011 - 00:35 IanSullivan
Although we've been cautioned against assuming that maps from the period we're studying look even remotely like maps today, I thought it would be helpful to make a ...
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MarkBierdzWikipediaProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
Finally, it can be found at I am going to replace section 4.5 (prohibition) on this webpage ( ...
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MattDavisRatnerProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:17 IanSullivan
The Quaker Effect How the Quakers helped shape the American Legal System. The Religious Society of Friends, also known as the "Quakers", is a sect of Christianity ...
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MatthewAmsterdamPDFFiles 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
Here is my first batch of documents. Sorry that they're attached into one file. I'll split it up accordingly. It is a selection of material from various Collectively ...
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MatthewAmsterdamProjectSources 24 Dec 2011 - 02:55 MatthewAmsterdam
Hey all, I have attached the full versions of the sources which I put up in sample recently. The first three are all variations on the same idea, being different Collectively ...
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MatthewAmsterdamWikiProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
Hey all. I've attached the draft of my additions to the wiki as a word document, to better specify my contributions from the underlying wiki page found at: http:/ ...
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MatthewEckmanProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:17 IanSullivan
MattEckman 10 Jan 2010 It turns out that every document I had hoped to scan is already available on the internet. That's hardly a bad outcome. Shays' Rebellion ...
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MeghanReddingClassProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
On October 4, 1842, George Latimer and his wife, Rebecca, escaped from Norfolk, Virginia. The pair hid beneath the deck of a northbound ship that took them to Baltimore ...
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MeghanReddingWikiProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
My project so far: Latimer %28escaped slave%29 MeghanRedding 20 Nov 2011
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MichaelDignanProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:17 IanSullivan
MichaelDignan 13 Oct 2010 What circumstances led to the passage of the Maryland Tobacco Inspection Act of 1747? The Maryland Tobacco Inspection Act of 1747 established ...
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MichaelDuignanWikipediaProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
After long delay, please see my entry on Nationality Law in the American Colonies at: Law in the American Colonies I welcome ...
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NicholasRodriguezTopic 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
NicholasRodriguez 25 Nov 2011 realism My focus is the Legal Realist critique of the Market Economy, but I am also filling out this ...
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OnOriginalismJeffreyGlassProject 22 Nov 2016 - 19:58 JeffreyGlass
I set out to assault originalism using key moments in the creation of the United States constitution as evidence that originalism leads to absurdity. From that conclusion ...
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PaulineAbijaoudeProject_LandGrants 28 Apr 2018 - 17:20 PaulineAbijaoude
PaulineAbijaoude 25 Apr 2018 The age of Congressional grants of land to railroads matured in the 1850s and rapidly declined in favor by the 1870s. This short period ...
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PaulinePhoaClassProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
So here's my glass case: My wikipedia article (it's still in my user page, I don't understand how to move it to the "real" wikipedia page. Can anyone help me?) gives ...
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ProjectPages 29 Aug 2012 - 20:28 IanSullivan
Projects Work in this course is undertaken in the form of projects, which are collections of scanned primary source documents, critically introduced and analytically ...
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ProjectPages2011 29 Aug 2012 - 20:27 IanSullivan
Projects Work in this course is undertaken in the form of projects, which are collections of scanned primary source documents, critically introduced and analytically ...
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PublicEducationInLandGrantsSGrenbaum 31 Mar 2013 - 14:51 SimoneGreenbaum
SimoneGreenbaum 31 Mar 2013 Background for Primary Source: The Land Ordinance of 1785 was adopted by the Continental Congress on May 20, 1785. The adopted version ...
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RailRoadEDIT 15 Aug 2020 - 16:02 EbenMoglen
Takings and the Nineteenth Century Railroad Eaton v. Boston, Concord Montreal R.R. (B., C. M.R.R.): A New Hampshire Supreme Court Decision from 1872. by S. Dalal ...
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ReligionSystemJustification 07 Sep 2011 - 00:17 IanSullivan
Religion and System Justification and Slavery of British Monarchy
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ResearchHelp 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
So, I had this idea that people could post any links or tips they've learned over the course of doing their project. I'm not a historian and not an American, so even ...
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ResearchRefrences 07 Sep 2011 - 00:33 IanSullivan
Anchor page for general reference material intended to last beyond a single semester. IanSullivan 07 Sep 2011
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RitaTrivediDockworkersProjectForClass 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
NOTE: DECEMBER 21, 2011 I've put the 'final' version of my class project at RitaTrivediDockworkersProjectForClassFinal. The PDFs of my sources are available attachments ...
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RitaTrivediDockworkersProjectForClassDrafts 09 Dec 2011 - 21:22 RitaTrivedi
DECEMBER 9, 2011 NOTE: I've added the latest version of the project as another Word document attachment to this page. This version has a bit more in the way of educated ...
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RitaTrivediDockworkersProjectForClassFinal 21 Dec 2011 - 16:18 RitaTrivedi
December 21, 2011: Below is the text of the 'final' version of my class project on the New Orleans dockworkers and the 1907 general strike. I've included the PDFs ...
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RitaTrivediDockworkersProjectForClassPossiblePDFs 03 Dec 2011 - 17:05 RitaTrivedi
DEC. 3, 2011 I've added 3 PDFs to the group (that I've referenced in the new draft text on my RitaTrivediDockworkersProjectForClassDrafts page). Also, one of the ...
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RitaTrivediWikipediaProjectWork 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
UPDATE Nov. 28, 2011: This is the link to my article on Wikipedia itself. Orleans dock workers and unionization I thought I'd post ...
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RobertFrost 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
Robert Frost Mending Wall Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen ground swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And ...
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RobertRantoulJr 13 May 2013 - 04:40 JosephGonzalez
Link to Wikipedia: Rantoul, Jr. Robert Rantoul, Jr. Robert Rantoul, Jr. (August 5, 1805 #8211; August 7, 1852) was an American ...
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RyanBinghamWikiProject 24 Nov 2012 - 19:24 RyanBingham
My wikipedia project may be found at: talk:Articles for creation/Judicial System of the State of Deseret RyanBingham 24 ...
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SaarWarnerProject 22 Jan 2013 - 21:54 SaarWarnerLipton
Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program The Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program (PIECP) is a United States federal statutory program. ...
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SabinoCasellaWikiProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
Hi Everyone. Here is my page thus far: Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Early Firearms Regulations in New York State ...
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StephanDalal_EatonWIKI 01 Apr 2013 - 20:39 StephanDalal
Takings and the Nineteenth Century Railroad Eaton v. Boston, Concord Montreal R.R. (B., C. M.R.R.): A New Hampshire Supreme Court Decision from 1872. by Stephan ...
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StephenSeveroWikiProject 29 Aug 2012 - 20:26 IanSullivan
The wikipedia portion: Disputes Between New York and Connecticut I have also attached the charter for Connecticut colony. It needs ...
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SteveMesserWikiProject 21 Dec 2012 - 02:25 SaarWarnerLipton
A History of the United States Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York This article surveys the history of the U.S. Attorney #8217;s Office for the ...
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TedProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
Only When Punished Final version American judges and commentators in slave times regularly observed that the law treated the slave "a double character of person ...
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ThaliaJulmeproject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
The paper is written and ready for grading but I still have to scan the following sources: SUZY CASTOR, LES ORIGINES DE LA STRUCTURE AGRAIRE EN HAITI (1998). JAMES ...
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TheComingOfTheAmericanCivilWar 10 May 2010 - 21:51 EbenMoglen
Jacob, I've installed below a version which keeps your footnotes, and which contains my comments. You may wish to mark this up further with your additional revisions ...
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TheEstablishedChurchInSouthCarolina 07 Sep 2011 - 00:16 IanSullivan
Introduction The Church of England was firmly established in South Carolina from the very beginning starting with the era when the colony was ruled by the proprietary ...
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TimelineProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:17 IanSullivan
I'm working on a timeline to show when events that have been discussed in class occurred in relation to each other. The main questions are probably what information ...
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TobaccoAndCrack 07 Sep 2011 - 00:11 IanSullivan
I'm interested in exploring the parallels between tobacco cultivation in colonial Virginia and late 20th century crack dealing gangs. As a point of departure, I'll ...
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TranscriptBitterIrony 21 Dec 2009 - 22:11 IanSullivan
I say that we're entering a period of bitter irony because we are talking about what happened after the war for freedom, for the Union, for free soil, free labor, ...
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TranscriptCodification 21 Dec 2009 - 22:56 IanSullivan
I take the state of things to be sufficiently chronologically uneven that a little time maybe would be useful straightening that out. My proposition so far comes essentially ...
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TranscriptCollisionWorlds 21 Dec 2009 - 23:02 IanSullivan
The idea of codification, the proposition that you can unify the law in a democratic way and then in doing so, you're making an improvement fundamental to the spirit ...
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TranscriptConstitutionMaking 12 Oct 2011 - 22:21 NicholasRodriguez
The Constitutional Law dialogue is about these brilliant, special, unusual people whose characteristic is that their gaze pierces the immensity of the future. And ...
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TylerConwayProject 03 Feb 2013 - 22:01 TylerConway
History of Standard Oil: The Cleveland Massacre The Cleveland Massacre refers to a three month period in 1872 when Standard Oil Company acquired virtually all its ...
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TylerConwayProjectPart2 03 Feb 2013 - 22:04 TylerConway
Scholarly Debate on the South Improvement Company #8217;s Role in the Cleveland Massacre The elements of the Grinnell standard for what constitutes an illegal monopoly ...
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UnificationAndOrTheFreeAndIndependentStates 10 Oct 2016 - 14:03 EbenMoglen
Unification and/or the "Free and Independent States" The Declaration of Independence (ostensibly a document declaring the separation of a singular people from a sovereign ...
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VanessaWheelerProject 31 Jan 2013 - 04:12 VanessaW
Racial Classifications of #8220;Black #8221; and #8220;White #8221; in American Legal and Social History Update: The Wikipedia Article, awaiting review, can be found ...
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WebAtom 24 Jan 2006 - 06:07 TWikiContributor
TWiki's AmLegalHist web
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WebChanges 23 Jan 2017 - 21:07 EbenMoglen
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WebHome 23 Jan 2017 - 21:05 EbenMoglen
American Legal History its Materials Fall 2016 On Friday, 11 November, we will meet in WJWH 600, for one day only , to accommodate a conference being held in ...
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WebIndex 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43 TWikiContributor
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WebLeftBar 23 Jan 2017 - 21:05 EbenMoglen
" warn "off"}%
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WebNotify 22 Jan 2021 - 12:01 EbenMoglen
EbenMoglen .WebChangesAlert, ., .TWikiRegistration
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WebPreferences 29 Aug 2009 - 23:32 EbenMoglen
AmLegalHist Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the AmLegalHist web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ...
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WebRss 28 Mar 2005 - 09:40 TWikiContributor
" else "TWiki's AmLegalHist web"}% /AmLegalHist
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WebSearch 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43 TWikiContributor
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WebSearchAdvanced 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43 TWikiContributor
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WebTopicCreator 07 Oct 2009 - 21:45 ShirleyBoutin
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WebTopicEditTemplate 10 Jan 2008 - 20:26 EbenMoglen
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WebTopicList 29 Nov 2011 - 13:44 SabinoCasella
American Legal History Web Topic List Topics by Hierarchical Relationship open all close all %TREEBROWSER{ theme "file" shared "tree" title "" openTo ...
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WillHamiltonProject 07 Sep 2011 - 00:16 IanSullivan
Alexander Hamilton and Presidential Eligibility (This project is still in the process of partial revision, as I have a pile of correspondence and newspaper articles ...
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YashShahProject_CourtVsCountry 05 Jul 2017 - 17:52 EbenMoglen
Court vs. Country: A Case Study of the First Bank of the United States A case of what? We never find out, barring the elusive mention in your last paragraph, ...
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ZebJohnsonProject_MechanizationOfAgriculture 18 Apr 2017 - 22:32 ZebulunJohnson
ZebulunJohnson 12 Jan 2017 Introduction As far back as Revolution, Americans have been concerned about labor displacement. This concern often manifests as fear directed ...
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Found 138 topics
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